Printed in Japan
0302 FOVfIDfVP
Thank you for purchasing our product. In order to start using the software program enclosed, you are required
to accept the terms and conditions of the agreement as provided below.
Software License Agreement
This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Victor Company of Japan,
Limited (JVC). By opening the sealed software packages and/or by using the Program, you are agreeing to be
bound by the terms of this Agreement. Should you not agree to the terms hereof, return the unopened
software packets and the accompanying items to the place where you obtained them.
This License Agreement (Agreement) permits you to use the software program (Program) enclosed in this
package and/or the accompanying written material (e. g. printed manuals). Although you are also granted
license to load the Program into temporary memory (i. e. RAM) or install the Program once into permanent
memory (e. g. hard disk, CD-R, or other storage device) of one (1) computer system, you are strictly
prohibited to install the Program on a network server for the sole purpose of internal distribution.
Notwithstanding the provision of Article 1 hereof, any copyright in the Program is owned exclusively by
JVC and is protected by the Japanese copyright law, copyright laws of other countries, as applicable, and
relevant provisions under international treaties including the Berne Convention for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Works, as amended, and the Universal Copyright Convention, as amended. Therefore,
you must treat the Program like any other copyrighted material except that you may either (a) make one (1)
copy of the Program solely for your personal backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the Program to a
single hard disk, provided that you keep the original solely for your personal backup or archival purposes.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, revise or modify the Program, except to the extent
that such restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. JVC and its distributors and dealers shall not
be liable for any claims or defects etc. arising out of or in connection with such prohibited activities as
indicated in this Agreement.
— 1 —
Guarantee and exemption from responsibility
This program, its add-ons, and the productions thereof, may not conform to your specific purpose,
notwithstanding any representations, express or tacit. Moreover, PIXELA, Inc. does not guarantee that the
functions of this program will agree with your needs, or that there are neither discontinuities nor errors in
the functions of this program.
PIXELA, Inc. does not take any responsibility for direct or indirect loss or damage accompanying or related
to the use of this program, nor for any disputes arising between the customer and any third party related to
use of this program or caused by this program.
● Operate this equipment according to the operating procedures described in this manual.
● Use only the provided CD-ROM. Never use any other CD-ROM to run this software.
● Do not attempt to modify this software.
● Changes or modifications not approved by JVC could void user’s authority to operate the equipment.
How to handle a CD-ROM
● Take care not to soil or scratch the mirror surface (opposite to the printed surface). Do not write anything
or put a sticker on either the front or back surface. If the CD-ROM gets dirty, gently wipe it with a soft
cloth outward from the center hole using a circular motion.
● Do not use conventional disc cleaners or cleaning spray.
● Do not bend the CD-ROM or touch its mirror surface.
● Do not store your CD-ROM in a dusty, hot or humid environment. Keep it away from direct sunlight.
● You can find the latest information (in English) on the provided software program at our world wide web
Notice for Users
Use of this software is authorized according to the terms of the software license.
When contacting the nearest JVC office or agency in your country about this software (refer to the JVC
Worldwide Service Network at http://www.jvc-victor.co.jp/english/worldmap/index-e.html), please fill out the
following and have the appropriate information ready.
Product Name
Error Message
□ Desktop
□ Laptop
Available Hard Disk Space
Please note that it may take some time to respond to your questions, depending on their subject matter.
JVC cannot answer questions regarding basic operation of your PC, or questions regarding specifications or
performance of the OS, other applications or drivers.
— 3 —
Operating Environment
A camcorder can be connected to a PC that satisfies the following requirements.
: Windows® 98 (pre-installed),
Windows® 98 Second Edition (98SE) (pre-installed),
Windows® Millennium Edition (Me) (pre-installed),
or Windows® 2000 Professional (pre-installed)
(Operation is not guaranteed on a PC that has been upgraded from Windows® 95.)
: Intel MMX® Pentium®, at least 200 MHz
: At least 64 MB recommended
Free hard disk space
: At least 10 MB for installation, at least 500 MB recommended
: USB connector
: Must be capable of displaying 800 x 600 dots with 16-bit color
Windows XP Users: Please visit http://www.jvc-victor.co.jp/english/download/index-e.html for additional
Ⅲ For ImageMixer
In addition to the requirements above, the following requirements must be satisfied to use ImageMixer.
: The same as above requirements.
However, Windows® 98 cannot be used when you connect a camcorder to the PC
with a USB cable.
Windows® 98, Windows® 98SE cannot be used when you connect a camcorder to
the PC with a IEEE1394 (DV) cable.
: For capturing video via a USB cable or IEEE1394 (DV) cable, Intel Pentium III®, at
least 500 MHz, at least 800 MHz recommended
Free hard disk space
: At least 250 MB for installation, at least 1 GB recommended
: IEEE1394 (i.LINK) connector
: iMac, iBook, Power MacintoshG3, Power MacG4, Power BookG3 or G4
equipped with a USB connector
: Mac OS 9.0.4 to 9.1
: At least 64 MB recommended
: At least 100 MB for installation, at least 1 GB recommended
: QuickTime 4 or later
Free hard disk space
● The system requirements information above is not a guarantee that the provided software will work on all
personal computers meeting those requirements.
● Microsoft® and Windows® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
● Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
● Other product and company names included in this instruction manual are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
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Software Installation (Windows®)
Follow the procedure described below to install the software.
Quit any other software you are using. (Check that there are no other application icons on the status bar.)
1 Load the provided CD-ROM in the PC.
After a moment, the [Setup] screen appears.
● If the [Setup] screen does not appear, double-click [My Computer] and then double-click the CD-ROM
From the [Setup] screen, you can install the following softwares.
USB Mass Storage Class driver
This driver allows your PC to read and write memory cards in the camcorder.
Be sure not to connect the USB cable between the camcorder and the PC before installing the driver.
USB Stream driver
This driver allows you to record camcorder’s audio and video output on your PC’s hard disk instead of
camcorder’s video tape. You can also use the camcorder to conduct a video conference over the Internet.
Be sure not to connect the USB cable between the camcorder and the PC before installing the driver.
PIXELA ImageMixer 1.0
This application is used to capture still images and video clips from a camcorder through a USB connector
or IEEE1394 (i.LINK) connector, and is also used to manage and edit the still images and video clips.
Digital Photo Navigator 1.0
This application is used to capture still images and convert them into a variety of formats.
G.726 decoder
This is an audio decoder for video clips created by the camcorder (extension “.asf”).
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 5.0
This application is used to read PDF files.
2 Click [Install] on the right side of the desired software.
(The following is the example of Digital Photo Navigator.)
[License Agreement] screen appears.
Click [Yes].
— 5 —
Then, [Choose Destination Location] screen appears.
Click [Next].
Next, [Select Program Folder] screen appears.
Click [Next].
[Setup Status] screen appears. Wait for a moment until the installation is finished.
When the installation is finished, [Digital Photo Navigator Setup] screen appears and asks you if you want
to create the icon on the desktop.
If you need it, click [Yes]. If not, click [No].
— 6 —
3 When the message asking whether it is OK to restart the PC appears, click [Yes].
The PC restarts, and after a moment the [Setup] screen from step 1 appears.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 to install all of the desired software.
Installing [PIXELA ImageMixer 1.0]
When the error message below appears while installing ImageMixer, click [OK] to complete installation.
● The Digital Photo Navigator and PIXELA ImageMixer instruction manual is included on the CD-ROM in
PDF format. Double-click the [JVC] folder and then double-click the [Docs] folder. Open the “Start.pdf”
file and click the button of the desired language. Note that Adobe® Acrobat® Reader must be installed to
read PDF files.
● For details on how to use Windows® NetMeeting® or iVisit, refer to “Appendix” in the Digital Photo
Navigator instruction manual on the CD-ROM.
● When installing the [PIXELA ImageMixer 1.0], select the desired language in the [Choose Setup
Language] screen.
● If you perform installation of a software that is already installed, uninstallation will start. In this case,
perform the installation again after uninstallation is finished.
● When you install USB Stream driver with Windows® 2000, a warning message dialog box on digital
signature may appear. In this case, click [OK] to continue installation because this problem has no effect
on the use of the driver.
— 7 —
Updating [Device Manager] (Windows®)
If the camcorder is connected to the PC with the USB cable before installing [USB Mass Storage Class driver]
or [USB Stream driver], the installation might not be performed properly.
In this case, follow the procedure described below to update the [Device Manager] and install [USB Mass
Storage Class driver] and [USB Stream driver] properly.
Disconnect any other USB audio devices from PC before performing the following procedure.
Installing [USB Mass Storage Class driver]
1 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC. (੬ pg. 9)
2 Select [Start] – [Settings] – [Control Panel]. Double click the [System] icon.
3 Windows® 98SE/Me: Select the [Device Manager] tab.
Windows® 2000: Select the [Hardware] tab and click [Device Manager].
4 Delete [DV camera] or [JVC] in [Other devices].
5 Disconnect the USB cable from the camcorder. Restart the PC.
6 Load the provided CD-ROM in the PC. Install [USB Mass Storage Class driver]. (੬ pg. 5)
7 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC.
Device driver is installed.
8 Confirm the [Removable Disk] icon is displayed in [My Computer].
Installing [USB Stream driver]
1 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC. (੬ pg. 9)
2 Select [Start] – [Settings] – [Control Panel]. Double click the [System] icon.
3 Windows® 98SE/Me: Select the [Device Manager] tab.
Windows® 2000: Select the [Hardware] tab and click [Device Manager].
4 Delete [USB Audio devices] in the [Sound, video and game controllers].
● Delete [DV camera] or [JVC] in [Other devices].
5 Disconnect the USB cable from the camcorder. Restart the PC.
6 Load the provided CD-ROM in the PC. Install [USB Stream driver]. (੬ pg. 5)
7 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC.
Device driver is installed.
● Windows® 2000: When a warning message dialog box on digital signature appears, click [OK] to
continue installation.
8 Confirm the following devices are displayed in [Device Manager] by performing steps 2 – 3.
● [JVC Web Camera] in [Imaging Devices]
● [JVC DVCamera USB Microphone] in [Sound, video and game controllers]
— 8 —
Connections (Windows®)
Connecting the USB cable
Connect the USB cable to copy still image and video clip files in a memory card to the PC or to use
ImageMixer in capturing video in real time.
To USB connector
To USB connector
USB cable
1 To assure safety, make sure all units are turned off before making any connections.
2 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC.
● We recommend that you use the AC Adapter.
● When the USB cable is connected, turning on or off the camcorder or switching the VIDEO/MEMORY
mode on the camcorder causes malfunctions of the PC.
● If you connect the camcorder to the PC through a USB hub, compatibility issues between the hub and the
PC may result in instability in the operation of the PC. If this happens, connect the camcorder directly to the
PC, not through the hub.
● Do not use an extension USB cable.
Connecting the DV cable
Connect the DV cable to use ImageMixer in capturing video from tape.
To IEEE1394
To DV connector
DV cable
1 To assure safety, make sure all units are turned off before making any connections.
2 Use the DV cable to connect the camcorder to the IEEE1394 connector on the PC.
● We recommend that you use the AC Adapter.
When the DV cable is connected, turning on or off the camcorder or switching the VIDEO/MEMORY mode
on the camcorder causes malfunctions of the PC.
— 9 —
Viewing the Contents of a Memory Card (Windows®)
1 Install [USB Mass Storage Class driver]. (੬ pg. 5)
2 Connect the camcorder to the PC with a USB cable. (੬ pg. 9)
3 Make sure that there is a memory card in the camcorder.
4 Set the camcorder to the memory card playback mode.
● Refer to the camcorder’s instruction manual for details.
[USB MODE] appears on the camcorder’s LCD monitor.
5 Double-click the [My Computer] icon on the desktop.
The [Removable Disk] icon which represents the
memory card in the camcorder appears in the [My
Computer] window.
[Removable Disk] icon does not appear if USB Mass Storage
Classdriverisnotinstalledproperly.Inthiscase, referto“Updating[DeviceManager](Windows®)”(੬ pg. 8).
6 Double-click the [Removable Disk] icon.
The following folders are automatically created in the memory card. Different file types are stored in
different folders.
Sound effects
Still images
Video clips
Still images
: Folders within the [DCIM] folder
(extension “.jpg”)
Video clips
: Folders within the [DCVI] folder
(extension “.asf”)
Sound effects
(extension “.mp3”)
: [100JVCGR] folder within the [DCSD] folder
● The [DCSD] folder is displayed only when the camcorder is equipped with
Digital Sound Effects function and sound effects is stored in the memory card.
● Saving the wrong kinds of files in a memory card or deleting files or folders from a memory card can cause
problems with the operation of the camcorder. When it is necessary to delete a file from a memory card,
delete it through the camcorder.
● Never disconnect the USB cable while the message [ACCESSING FILES] is displayed on the camcorder’s
LCD monitor.
● If you are using a brand new memory card, you need to initialize the memory card with the camcorder first.
You may not be able to copy files from the memory card to the PC without doing so.
For owners of camcorders equipped with Digital Sound Effect functon;
The CD-ROM contains digital sound files (data saved on the provided memory card at the factory). When
the memory card has been formatted, follow the step below to save the files on the memory card.
● Copy the “DCSD” folder on the CD-ROM into the root directory (volume) of the memory card.
— 10 —
Copying Files to the PC (Windows®)
Still image and video clip files that are stored in a memory card can be copied to the PC and played back on
the PC.
1 Double-click the [My Computer] icon on the desktop.
If the camcorder is connected to the PC correctly, the
[Removable Disk] icon appears.
2 Double-click the [Removable Disk] icon.
The folders in the memory card appear.
3 Double-click the destination folder.
4 Select the folder to be copied, and then drag and
drop that folder in the destination folder.
● To copy still images: Copy the folder within the [DCIM]
● To copy video clips: Copy the folder within the [DCVI]
The message [ACCESSING FILES] appears on the LCD
monitor of the camcorder, and the folder is copied from
the memory card to the PC.
Never disconnect the USB cable while the message
[ACCESSING FILES] is displayed on the camcorder’s LCD
Playing Back Files on the PC (Windows®)
Still images
Use an application that can handle the JPEG file format. To view a still image, double-click the still image file
(extension “.jpg”).
Video clips (Only for the camcorder equipped with E-Mail Clip Recording function)
Use the Windows Media™ Player (version 6.4 or later). You can download the Windows Media™ Player from
the Microsoft web site at:
If you cannot play back a video clip file (extension “.asf”) that you have opened with the Windows Media™
Player, connect to the Internet and then try opening the file. The software that is needed in order to play back
the file will be downloaded automatically, and then the file will be played back.
If the video clip plays but without the audio, install the G.726 decoder from the CD-ROM.
— 11 —
Disconnecting the USB Cable (Windows®)
Before loading or unloading memory cards or turning off the PC, first disconnect the USB cable and turn off
the camcorder.
When using Windows® 98/98SE
1 Confirm that the message [ACCESSING FILES] is not currently displayed on the LCD monitor of
the camcorder.
● If the message [ACCESSING FILES] is currently displayed, wait until it disappears before proceeding.
2 Double-click the [My Computer] icon on the desktop.
If the camcorder is connected to the PC correctly, the [Removable Disk] icon appears.
3 Right-click the [Removable Disk] icon in the [My Computer] window.
A menu appears.
4 Click [Eject] in the menu.
The [Removable Disk] icon disappears.
● If the icon does not disappear, wait for a while, and then proceed to step 5.
5 Disconnect the USB cable.
● If any message appears, click [OK].
6 Set the Power Switch on the camcorder to “OFF”.
The camcorder turns off.
When using Windows® 2000/Me
1 Confirm that the message [ACCESSING FILES] is not currently displayed on the LCD monitor of
the camcorder.
● If the message [ACCESSING FILES] is currently displayed, wait until it disappears before proceeding.
2 Double-click the [Unplug or Eject Hardware] icon in the status
The [Unplug or Eject Hardware] dialog box appears.
3 Select [JVC DV Camera Storage] or [USB Disk], and then click [Stop].
● Windows® 2000
● Windows® Me
The [Stop a Hardware device] dialog box appears.
— 12 —
4 Click [OK].
● Windows® 2000
● Windows® Me
5 A message indicating that the device can be safely removed appears. Click [OK].
6 Disconnect the USB cable.
7 Set the Power Switch on the camcorder to “OFF”.
The camcorder turns off.
Connections (Macintosh)
Connect the USB cable to copy still image and video clip files in a memory card to the PC or to use
ImageMixer in capturing video in real time.
USB cable
1 To assure safety, make sure all units are turned off before making any connections.
2 Use the USB cable to connect the camcorder to the PC.
● We recommend that you use the AC Adapter.
● When the USB cable is connected, turning on or off the camcorder or switching the VIDEO/MEMORY
mode on the camcorder causes malfunctions of the PC.
● If you connect the camcorder to the PC through a USB hub, compatibility issues between the hub and the
PC may result in instability in the operation of the PC. If this happens, connect the camcorder directly to the
PC, not through the hub.
● Do not use an extension USB cable.
— 13 —
Software Installation (Macintosh)
Follow the procedure described below to install the software.
Quit any other software you are using.
1 Load the provided CD-ROM into the PC. Double click the CD-ROM icon.
2 Double-click the [ImageMixer] folder in the CD-ROM.
3 Double-click the [Setup Menu] icon.
The installer starts up.
4 Select [USB Driver] or [PIXELA ImageMixer].
To install [USB Driver], click the [USB Driver] icon.
To install [PIXELA ImageMixer], click the desired language icon. Follow the instructions which appear on
the screen.
● The PIXELA ImageMixer instruction manual is included on the CD-ROM in PDF format. Double-click the
[Docs] folder. Open the “Start.pdf” file and click the button of the desired language. Note that Adobe®
Acrobat® Reader must be installed to read PDF files. The Installer of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader is included
within the [Reader] folder on the CD-ROM.
● For details on how to use iVisit, refer to “Appendix” in the Digital Photo Navigator instruction manual on
the CD-ROM.
Viewing the Contents of a Memory Card (Macintosh)
1 Connect the camcorder to the PC with a USB cable. (੬ pg. 9)
2 Make sure that there is a memory card in the camcorder.
3 Set the camcorder to the memory card playback mode.
● Refer to the camcorder’s instruction manual for details.
[USB MODE] appears on the camcorder’s LCD monitor. The memory card icon appears on the desktop.
● The name of the memory card icon is “untitled”. We recommend that you name the icon to
tell it from the other removable disks or folders.
— 14 —
4 Double-click the memory card icon on the desktop.
The folders in the memory card appear.
The following folders are automatically created in the memory card. Different file types are stored in
different folders.
Still images
Video clips
Sound effects
Still images
(extension “.jpg”)
: Folders within the [DCIM] folder
: Folders within the [DCVI] folder
Video clips
(extension “.asf”)
Sound effects
(extension “.mp3”)
: [100JVCGR] folder within the [DCSD] folder
● The [DCSD] folder is displayed only when the camcorder is equipped with
Digital Sound Effects function and sound effects is stored in the memory card.
● Saving the wrong kinds of files in a memory card or deleting files or folders from a memory card can cause
problems with the operation of the camcorder. When it is necessary to delete a file from a memory card,
delete it through the camcorder.
● Never disconnect the USB cable while the message [ACCESSING FILES] is displayed on the camcorder’s
LCD monitor.
● If you are using a brand new memory card, you need to initialize the memory card with the camcorder first.
You may not be able to copy files from the memory card to the PC without doing so.
For owners of camcorders equipped with Digital Sound Effect functon;
The CD-ROM contains digital sound files (data saved on the provided memory card at the factory). When
the memory card has been formatted, follow the step below to save the files on the memory card.
● Copy the “DCSD” folder on the CD-ROM into the root directory (volume) of the memory card.
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Copying Files to the PC (Macintosh)
Still image and video clip files that are stored in a memory card can be copied to the PC and played back on
the PC.
1 Double-click the memory card icon on the desktop.
The folders in the memory card appear.
2 Double-click the destination folder.
3 Select the folder to be copied, and then drag and drop that
folder in the destination folder.
● To copy still images: Copy the folder within the [DCIM] folder.
● To copy video clips: Copy the folder within the [DCVI] folder.
The message [ACCESSING FILES] appears on the LCD monitor of the
camcorder, and the folder is copied from the memory card to the PC.
Never disconnect the USB cable while the message [ACCESSING FILES] is
displayed on the camcorder’s LCD monitor.
Playing Back Files on the PC (Macintosh)
Still images
Use an application that can handle the JPEG file format. To view a still image, either double-click the still
image file (extension “.jpg”), or drag and drop the file on the application icon.
Video clips (Only for the camcorder equipped with E-Mail Clip Recording function)
Use the Windows Media™ Player for Mac (version 6.4 or later). You can download the Windows Media™
Player for Mac from the Microsoft web site at:
Disconnecting the USB cable (Macintosh)
Before loading or unloading memory cards or turning off the PC, first disconnect the USB cable and turn off
the camcorder.
1 Drop the memory card icon on the desktop into the [Trash] icon.
● If the confirmation message appears, click [OK].
2 Confirm that the message [ACCESSING FILES] is not currently displayed on the LCD
monitor of the camcorder.
● If the message [ACCESSING FILES] is currently displayed, wait until it disappears before
3 Disconnect the USB cable.
4 Set the Power Switch on the camcorder to “OFF”.
The camcorder turns off.
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