Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc.
DRM-602X and DRM-604X CD-ROM Changers
Software Driver Installation Guide
Owner’s Manual
License Agreement
License Agreement
I. GRANT OF LICENSE: Pioneer Electronic Corporation (PEC) grants you the
right to use one copy of the enclosed software programs (the software) on a single
terminal connected to a single computer (i.e. with a single CPU). You may not
network the software or otherwise use it on more than one computer or computer
terminal at the same time.
II. COPYRIGHT: The Macintosh CD SetUp 5.0 Software is the property of
Apple Computer, Inc.; the Microsoft MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions Software is
the property of Microsoft Corporation; and the Device Driver Software is the
property of PEC. These software products are protected by the United States
copyright laws and International treaty provisions. You must, therefore, treat the
software like any other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or musical recording)
except that you may:
make one copy of the software solely for archival purposes
you may transfer the software to a single hard disc provided you keep
the original copy solely for backup or archival purposes.
If you reproduce the software for either of the reasons stated above, you must
reproduce and include the copyright notice with the copy of the software. You
may not copy the written materials accompanying the software.
III. OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You may not rent or lease the software, but you
may transfer the software and accompanying written materials on a permanent
basis provided you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this
agreement. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software.
IV. DUAL MEDIA SOFTWARE: If the software package contains both 3-1/2”
and 5-1/4” discs, then you may use only the disks appropriate for your single-user
computer. You may not use the other discs on another computer or loan, rent,
(continued on next page)
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
License Agreement
License Agreement (cont.)
lease or transfer them to another user except as part of the permanent transfer (as
provided above) of all software and written materials.
The Software and documentation are provided with restricted rights. Use,
duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth
in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the
Commercial Computer Software — Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as
applicable. Contractor/Manufacture is Microsoft Corporation/One Microsoft
Way/Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA. This agreement is governed by the laws
of the State of Washington.
Should you have any questions concerning this agreement, or if you desire to
contact Pioneer Electronic Corporation for any reason, please write to:
2265 East 220th Street,
Long Beach, CA 90810, USA
I.K. Building, 24-9 Kamiosaki 2-Chome,
Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo 141, JAPAN
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Limited Warranty
Limited Warranty
Pioneer Electronics Corp, Inc. warrants that :
The software will perform substantially in accordance with the
accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from
the date of receipt.
The hardware which accompanies the software will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service
for a period of one (1) year from the date of receipt.
Neither Apple Computer, Inc. nor PEC makes any express or implied
warranties, including and without limitation, the implied warranties of
MERCHANTABILITY and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the
software Apple Computer, Inc. Or PEC does not warrant, guarantee, or make any
representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the software in terms
of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk
as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. The
exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some states. The above
exclusion may not apply to you.
PECs entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at PECs option to either:
Return the purchase price; or
Repair or replace the software or hardware that does not meet PEC’s
Limited Warranty and which is returned to PEC with a copy of the
purchase receipt. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the
software or hardware is the result of an accident, abuse or
misapplication. Replacement software or hardware will be
warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty
(30) days, whichever is longer. All hardware returned must be
accompanied by a return authorization.
Limited Warranty (cont.)
(continued on next page)
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Limited Warranty
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................1 - 1
Set-Up and Driver Installation Overview.................................1 - 2
2. PRE-INSTALLATION NOTES........................................................2 - 1
Back up diskettes....................................................................2 - 1
IBM PC & Compatible Users:
SCSI host adapter must support multiple LUNs .............2 - 1
On-Line Help available during driver installation.............2 - 2
Selection Methods ..........................................................2 - 3
Conventions used in this manual............................................2 - 4
Inspection Checklist / PC........................................................3 - 1
Quick Installation..................................................................3 - 2
Quick Install Parameters.........................................................3 - 4
Operations Check ...................................................................3 - 7
Using Your Pioneer CD-ROM Changer...................................3 - 8
Custom Installation Options....................................................3 - 9
Installing more than one Pioneer CD-ROM Changer..............3 -13
Multi Player Control (MPC) Program ......................................3 -15
(for Troubleshooting IBM-PC DOS/WINDOWS Driver Installation see Appendix A)
Inspection Checklist / Installation Overview ...........................4 - 1
Quick Installation..................................................................4 - 2
Using the Installer with System 7.0 & above...........................4 - 3
Installing Drivers for System 6.0.7 & below ............................4 - 4
Operations Check ...................................................................4 - 5
Other Installation Options .......................................................4 - 5
Using CLD Access..................................................................4 - 6
Using CLD Remote .................................................................4 - 7
(for Troubleshooting Macintosh Driver Installation see Appendix B)
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents (cont.)
Third Party Device Drivers......................................................5 - 1
Networking..............................................................................5 - 1
Maximizing Performance ........................................................5 - 1
Audio on CD-ROMs ................................................................5 - 2
Kodak Photo CDs ...................................................................5 - 2
(CDP) Compact Disc Player Commands...............................5 - 3
6. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS...........................................................6 - 1
Appendix A: Troubleshooting IBM-PC DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Appendix B : Troubleshooting Macintosh Driver Installation
Appendix C: Installation Overview — IBM PC & Compatibles
• Device Driver in CONFIG.SYS - Command Line Switches
• MSCDEX File in AUTO EXEC.BAT - Command Line Switches
Appendix D: (CDP) CD Player Commands
Appendix E: Pioneer LaserFacts System
Appendix F: Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Accessing On-Line Help...........2 - 2
Figure 2 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: On-Line Help Screen................2 - 2
Figure 3 – DOS/WINDOWS - Quick Install Process ............................3 - 2
Figure 4 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Main Menu................................3 - 3
Figure 5 – DOS/WINDOWS - Quick Install Default Settings................3 - 3
Figure 6 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Select SCSI Host Adapter ........3 - 4
Figure 7 – “Select Correct SCSI Host Adapter” / Overview.................3 - 5
Figure 8 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: To Begin Installation.................3 - 5
Figure 9 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Installation Complete...............3 - 6
Figure 10 – DOS/WINDOWS - Operations Check on Boot-Up..............3 - 7
Figure 11 – DOS/WINDOWS - Using the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer...3 - 8
Figure 12 – DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Custom Settings Menu .............3 - 9
Figure 13 – DOS/WINDOWS - Driver Parameters Menu......................3 -10
Figure 14 – DOS/WINDOWS - MSCDEX Parameters Menu................3 -11
Figure 15 – DOS/WINDOWS - SCSI ID Parameters Menu ..................3 -12
Figure 16 – DOS/WINDOWS - NOTICE Changes Not Saved ...............3 -13
Figure 17 – MACINTOSH Installation Diskette ......................................4 - 1
Figure 18 – MACINTOSH System 7.0 & Above: Quick Install ...............4 - 2
Figure 19 – MACINTOSH Installer Screen.............................................4 - 3
Figure 20 – MACINTOSH Custom Installation Screen...........................4 - 3
Figure 21 – MACINTOSH “Successful Installation” Screen ...................4 - 4
Figure 22 – MACINTOSH CLD Access / ROM Mount Controller...........4 - 6
Figure 23 – CLD Menu Icon ...................................................................4 - 7
Figure 24 – MACINTOSH CLD Remote.................................................4 - 7
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 1
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Pioneer CD-ROM Changer! The
unit is packaged with floppy disks that contain device drivers necessary for
connecting the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer to an IBM-PC or compatible computer
or to a Macintosh computer. The device drivers allow the CD-ROM Changer and
the computer to communicate and exchange data. On the next page is a SET UP &
DRIVER INSTALLATION OVERVIEW describing the steps to follow as you
install the device driver software and begin using your Changer.
Before you proceed, make sure you have fully reviewed the Hardware Installation
Owner’s Guide that is included with your Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. The
Hardware Installation Owner’s Guide provides safety precautions, system
requirements, hardware installation procedures, and other pertinent information.
Also, carefully review the instructions in this manual prior to installing the software
device drivers. Here is a synopsis of what you will find in each chapter.
Chapter 1 provides the Introduction to this Manual, a synopsis of subsequent chapters,
and a Set Up & Driver Installation Overview.
Chapter 2 provides Pre-Installation Notes. This section recommends that you back-up
the driver diskettes. It also explains conventions used in the manual and provides some
tips for IBM-PC and Compatible computer users: Make sure your SCSI host adapter
(interface card) supports Multiple LUNs; Refer to Context-Sensitive ON-LINE Help
during installation of drivers under DOS or Windows; Selection methods.
Chapter 3 provides an IBM-PC and Compatibles Driver Diskette Inspection Checklist;
describes Quick Installation; Operations Check; Custom Installation Options; Installing
more than one Pioneer CD-ROM Changer and using XDISC; Using the MPC utility
included on the driver diskette.
Chapter 4 describes the Macintosh Driver Installation Process: Installation Overview;
Inspection Checklist; Quick Installation; Operations Check; Other Installation Options/
Installing more than one Pioneer CD-ROM Changer; Using the CLD ACCESS
ROM Controller and the Menu icon; Using CLD REMOTE.
Chapter 5 provides information about Special Issues such as Third Party Device
Drivers; Networking; Maximizing Performance; Audio on CD-ROMs; Compressed
Audio and Digital Audio; Sound Cards; Kodak Photo CDs.
Chapter 6 is Questions and Answers.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 1
Set-Up & Driver Installation Overview
1) Install a SCSI host adapter (interface card) in the IBM PC or compatible
computer, as per instructions from interface card Manufacturer and in Hardware
Install Owner’s Guide. NOTE: The Macintosh has a built in SCSI port.
2) With the power turned OFF on both the computer and the CD-ROM
Changer, attach the proper SCSI cable, connecting the two machines.
3) Set the SCSI ID number on the CD-ROM Changer. When it is the only
device attached to an IBM or compatible computer, the factory-set SCSI ID at
0 should work just fine. Otherwise, set the SCSI ID to a number that is not
used by any other device on the SCSI bus. NOTE: The Pioneer Installer for
IBM-PC and compatibles will automatically search the SCSI bus and indicate
the proper SCSI ID number, unless you over-ride this feature. See Chapter 3,
page 3-14 for details. When connecting the Pioneer CD-ROM changer to a
Macintosh, select a SCSI ID number between 1 & 6.
5) Power-ON the computer and back-up the driver diskettes included with the
Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
4) Power-ON the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
6) Launch the Installer program included on the driver diskette. This will
offer you a few simple options, then install the drivers. See Chapters 3 & 4
for details.
8) Reboot your computer. Follow the “Operations Check” for IBM-PC and
compatibles or for Macintosh. If you encounter any difficulties, refer to
Troubleshooting Appendices at the back of this manual.
9) You are ready to use your Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. See page 3-9 for
IBM-PC and compatibles, see pages 4-6 and 4-7 for Macintosh.
IBM PC/XT/AT/386 User’s, refer to the
Chapter 3 for installation instructions.
Macintosh User’s, refer to
Chapter 4 for installation instructions.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 2
Pre-Installation Notes
Back Up Diskettes
The license agreement that is enclosed with your Pioneer product allows you to
make a backup of the driver diskettes, in case your originals become lost, damaged
or corrupted. We strongly recommend that you take this precautionary step before
you proceed with the installation of your software device drivers.
Your DOS operating system comes with a utility such as a [DISKCOPY] and/or
[COPY] command which you can use to make a duplicate disk. Follow the
instructions in your DOS manual. If you have a Macintosh, simply copy the files
to a back up floppy. Once the files have been backed up, it’s a good idea to date
and label the disk.
IBM-PC & Compatible Users, Check SCSI Host Adapter
Make sure the SCSI host adapter (interface card) you are using supports multiple
LUNs (Logical Unit Numbers). A Logical Unit Number is an address
assignment which allocates a separate drive letter to each of the 6 CD-ROM discs.
Floppy Drives
Hard Drive
Drive Letters A and B
Drive Letter C
CD-ROM Discs
Letters D,E,F,G,H, & I
Most SCSI host adapters do support multiple LUNs, but we recommend you
check the card’s documentation or call the manufacturer to verify that your
interface card will meet this requirement.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Pre-Installation Notes
Chapter 2
On-Line Help for IBM-PC & Compatible INSTALLATION
The Pioneer IBM-PC DOS/WINDOWS installation software has an On-Line
Help feature available from all of the installation menus. This Help feature can
be accessed at any time by pressing the [F1] key. On-Line Help is context-
sensitive, so the Help Dialog Box that appears after pressing [F1] is directly
related to the item highlighted at the time you press the [F1] key. Abbreviated
Help information appears in the bar at the bottom of the screen.
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 1 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Accessing On-Line Help
For example, if you press [F1] when the highlight bar is on the QUICK INSTALL
line, the Help screen in Figure 2 will appear:
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 2 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: On-Line Help Screen
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Pre-Installation Notes
Selection methods for IBM-PC & compatible users
The table below indicates how to select/deselect menu options and how to move
around in the installation screens when installing the IBM-PC DOS/Windows drivers:
Key Stroke
Move to another Menu
Use the Up and Down Arrow Keys or the [TAB] for
selection Down [SHIFT-TAB] for Up until the correct menu
selection becomes highlighted. You can also roll the mouse
until the cursor appears on the line you wish to change, then
click the left mouse button.
Go back one Menu screen Press the “Esc” key or click the
right mouse button.
Edit a Menu selection
There are four ways to edit a menu item:
1. Press the [GREY +] sign on the keyboard number pad.
2. Press the [SPACE BAR] then type the new entry.
3. Press the [INS] key then type the new information.
4. If you’re using a mouse, with the cursor over the selection
you wish to change, Click the left mouse button then type
in the new information.
Using the Mouse to make Click or Double Click
a Menu Selection
Confirm the Menu
Moving to the next line using the Down arrow key will
confirm your selection.
Bring up an adjacent
Press the [SPACE BAR] or press the [F3] key.
Confirm an Adjacent
Menu selection
Press [ENTER].
Return to DOS
Select “Exit” from the Installation Menu
Accesses the Help Screens for currently highlighted item.
(See page 2-2 for details about using On-Line Help.)
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 2
Conventions used in this manual
This Installation Guide uses the following conventions to help you interpret and
follow the information provided as you install and use the device driver software:
and/or Key
Comment / Definition
Bold Type
Bold type represents a command which you must type. To carry out a
command, type the bold-faced word(s) then press [ENTER].
Example: If you are instructed to type A:, type the A, type the : (colon)
then press the [ENTER] key.
[ ] Square
Square brackets are used to surround keys which you must press.
DO NOT type the square brackets.
Function Keys Function keys which you must press appear in “non-bold faced” text,
in square brackets. Example: Pressing the [F3] key will bring up an
adjacent menu.
Italics are used to emphasize a point. Bold Italics are used when
Bold Italics referencing another section in this book or the Hardware Installation Guide.
SMALL CAPS SMALL CAPS in bold are used to indicate Menu Titles.
ALL CAPS All Caps, without bold-faced print, indicate a menu selection to be made.
“Press [ENTER]” means that you must press the ENTER key to confirm a
menu selection. Some instructions in this manual do not tell you to “Press”
ENTER, they simply state [ENTER]. In those instances, the word “Press”
is understood.
The check mark is used to indicate a helpful hint or to note additional and
pertinent information.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
DOS /WINDOWS device driver installation
Inspection Checklist / PC
Pioneer Changers are packaged with a floppy disk containing software device
drivers and the MSCDEX file for IBM-PC and compatible computers. The disk
also contains an Installation program, Installation Help file, a file to load and
remove the MPC control utility and XDISC, a program that allows assignment of
one drive letter to each daisy-chained drive. Before you proceed with the
installation, verify that you have the necessary files on the diskette:
Step 1: Exit your current computer application and go to the DOS prompt.
Step 2: Insert the diskette into the “A” or “B” drive, depending on your
system configuration;
Step 3: Type: DIR A: or DIR B: indicating the drive where the
diskette has been inserted and press [ENTER].
The following file names should be listed on the screen:
3. DRD600.SYS
If your disk does not contain all of the files listed above, please contact your
Authorized Pioneer Dealer or call the Pioneer Bulletin Board System using your
computer, modem and computer software to obtain current drivers. (See
Appendix F, Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers for Pioneer BBS number.)
After you’ve verified the contents of the disk, proceed to the next page for QUICK
INSTALLATION instructions.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Quick Installation
Installing software drivers so you can use your Pioneer CD-ROm Changer with
your computer is easy! This flow chart details the installation process. If you are
installing from the DOS prompt, follow the DOS instruction path on the left side
of the chart. If you are installing from WINDOWS, follow the path on the right.
Insert the IBM-PC & Compatible Driver Diskette
into the floppy drive on your computer.
At the DOS Prompt, Type A: or
At the DOS prompt type WIN to
bring up WINDOWS.
B: for the letter of the drive you
are installing the software from,
then Press [ENTER].
Click on the FILE option in the
Menu Bar and click on the RUN
option. In the pop-up dialog box,
At the A:\ or B:\ DOS Prompt, type
INSTALL and press [ENTER]. This
will begin the Installation Program.
Note: The screen may go blank for a few seconds while the
program loads.
To execute a Quick Installation of the drivers, select the QUICK INSTALL
option from the main menu, accept the default options and press [ENTER].
See the following pages for details about using the installer.
You will then see this message: Installation Completed Successfully!
Exit the Install Program, reboot your computer and you are ready to use
your Changer. (See page 3-9, Using your Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.)
Figure 3 - DOS/WINDOWS - Quick Install Process
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 4 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Main Menu
Click on QUICK INSTALL to bring up the QUICK INSTALL Parameters.
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 5 - DOS/WINDOWS - Quick Install Default Settings
The QUICK INSTALL parameters pop-up as an adjacent menu, as illustrated below:
NOTE: An Auto SCSI ID Search is built into the installation program. This
searches the SCSI bus and automatically identifies the SCSI ID number set on
the Changer.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
These default settings are suitable for most computer configurations. If you need
to change the settings, refer to the QUICK INSTALL Parameters on page 3-5.
If you choose to over-ride the Auto SCSI ID Search feature using the Custom
Install options, make sure the SCSI ID number selected in the Custom Install
matches the number indicated on the back of the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
Quick Install Parameters
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Future Domain
Figure 6 - DOS/WINDOWS - Select SCSI Host Adapter
The default settings work well with most computer configurations. Most basic
changes can be made by modifying the Quick Install Parameters, as described below:
Boot Drive - The drive from which MS DOS will boot.
The default DOS boot drive is C. To change the drive letter, highlight the menu
selection for the DOS BOOT DRIVE, press the [F3] key to edit, type in the
replacement drive letter and press the [ENTER] key.
Path - The directory path indicating where all the driver files will be copied.
The default path is C:\PIONEER. To change the path, highlight the menu selection
for PATH TO INSTALL DRIVER, press the [F3] key to edit and then type in the
replacement path name.
SCSI host adapter - Indicates the adapter to which the CD-ROM Changer is
connected. The default setting for the SCSI host adapter is Future Domain. Either
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
Indicate the SCSI Host Adapter you have installed
If you are using a Future Domain SCSI Host Adapter, accept the default setting:
Future Domain is highlighted. Press [ENTER].
If you are not using a Future Domain SCSI Host Adapter, press the [F3] key to bring
up the adjacent menu and then, select the name of the host adapter (interface card)
you are using, ASPI , DD-C5002, Future Domain, or IBM. NOTE: ASPI refers
to ASPI compatible cards, such as Adaptec, etc.
Use the Up and Down arrow keys
to highlight your selection then
press [ENTER] to confirm.
Click on the selection with the
mouse. Double Click to accept, or
press [ENTER].
Note: If you are using an ASPI Compatible host adapter, make sure you first
load the ASPI Manager provided by the card manufacturer. This software must
be loaded BEFORE the Pioneer drivers.
accept the default
selection or Press
Figure 7 - Select Correct SCSI Host Adapter / Overview
[F3] to bring up the adjacent menu that allows you to select a different host
adapter. Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys, or a mouse to indicate the kind of
SCSI host adapter you are using. See Figure 6.
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 8 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: To Begin Installation
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation1
To accept the QUICK INSTALL Parameters press the [ENTER] key from
anywhere in the menu, or click on <ENTER>-Accept in the lower right corner
of the menu. Then, the following screen will pop-up:
If you are not satisfied with the options you chose, select NO. Then press the
[Esc] key to go back one menu at a time. If you are satisfied with the options,
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Install Parameters
Installation Completed Successfully!
For the changes to take effect you must
EXIT the Install Program and reboot
your machine using CTL+ALT+DEL.
select YES to start the installation. To abandon the installation, select EXIT, at
the main menu.
After you select YES, the installation process will begin. While the program is
installing the necessary files, a screen with “PLEASE WAIT” will blink.
Once the installation is complete, the following Dialog Box will appear:
Figure 9 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Installation Complete
To exit the installation program, follow these steps:
1: Press the [ESC] key twice to return to the main menu.
2: Press the Down arrow key to move to the EXIT menu
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
selection and press [ENTER].
This Completes the Quick Installation
Note: If you choose CUSTOM INSTALL, you must still return to QUICK
for MSCDEX Ver. x.xx - IBM PC-XT/AT/AX PS/2/55, Future Domain
Copyright (c) Pioneer Electronic Corporation. 1990-1994
Portion (c) 1986-1994 Future Domain Corporation
Inquiry ID=0 : PIONEER CD-ROM DRM-600 2404
The LDP/CDP Device Driver for SCSI model Ver. 1.03
Copyright (c) Pioneer Electronic Corporation. 1990,1991
MSCDEX Version 2.23
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1993. All rights reserved.
Drive E: =
Drive F: =
Drive G:=
Drive H:=
Drive I: =
Drive J:=
Drive MSCD000 unit 0
Drive MSCD000 unit 1
Drive MSCD000 unit 2
Drive MSCD000 unit 3
Drive MSCD000 unit 4
Drive MSCD000 unit 5
Figure 10 - DOS/WINDOWS - Operations Check on Boot-Up
NOTE: If the messages scroll by too quickly to read, you can pause the screen
by quickly pressing [CTRL + S]. To continue with the boot up, press any key.
NOTE: If you performed a QUICK INSTALLATION, the Installation program
will begin with the first available letter on your system. Drive Letter E is often
selected as your beginning drive letter. Under CUSTOM INSTALL, you can
select a different starting drive letter.
NOTE: Depending on your specific computer configuration, additional lines
may be interspersed and some of the lines in the Operations Check Screen may
vary from those described above.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Using Your Pioneer CD-ROM Changer
You are now ready to use the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer connected to your
computer system.
For use under DOS follow the instructions shown on the left side of the chart. For
use under WINDOWS, follow the instructions on the right:
Place the CD-ROM discs in the magazine trays label side down.
Turn on the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer, insert the magazine into the magazine slot.
Restart your computer.
To access CD-ROM Discs from
To access CD-ROM Discs from
At the DOS Prompt, type the drive
letter you wish to access as shown in
the following example:
Double Click on the File Manager
in the Main Program group.
CD-ROM icons will appear at the top of
the File Manager Window, next to the
original driver letters. Double Click on
the icon to access the disc.
Example: C:>E: (Then, press [Enter].)
Type: DIR (Then, press [Enter].)
Figure 11 - DOS/WINDOWS - Using the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
Custom Installation Options
Select CUSTOM INSTALL if you are installing two Pioneer Changers in a daisy-
chained configuration, or if you want to indicate some specific changes to the
driver to complement your specific system configuration. NOTE: You must
return to QUICK INSTALL, indicate the type of host adapter you are using, then
Custom Settings
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 12 - DOS/WINDOWS Installer: Custom Settings Menu
Device Driver Parameters
This menu allows you to indicate the MSCDEX label name, Use EMS memory or
Install Pioneer CDP support. (See page 3-10 for details.)
MSCDEX Parameters
The menu allows you to select MSCDEX parameters. (See pg. 3-11 for details)
SCSI ID Parameters
This menu allows you to over-ride the Auto Search capability of the Install
program and indicate SCSI ID numbers for up to two drives.
Default Parameters
If you make any changes that you are not sure you want to include, select this
option and all Custom Settings will be returned to their defaults. When the
settings are returned to their defaults, the program returns to QUICK INSTALL.
From there you have the option of installing or returning to the main menu to EXIT.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Device Driver Parameters
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 13 - DOS/WINDOWS - Driver Parameters Menu
MSCDEX Device Name
This is the label that will be declared in both the MSCDEX Device Driver line in
the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the Pioneer Device Driver line in the CONFIG.SYS.
The label name must match in both files.
Use EMS Memory
The drivers and MSCDEX can be loaded into Expanded memory by selecting this
option. This will be indicated by the /E switch found in the device driver line of the
CONFIG.SYS and in the MSCDEX driver line of the AUTOEXEC.BAT. See
Appendix C for details: Driver Command Line Switches and MSCDEX Command
Line Switches. If the computer does not have expanded memory, the drivers are
loaded into conventional memory.
NOTE: If you are using a memory manager, you may need to reconfigure it after
installation unless you switch the EMS Memory option to “NO”.
Install Pioneer CDP Support
Installing this option allows the player to be controlled by CD Player Commands,
See Appendix D.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
MSCDEX Parameters
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 14 - DOS/WINDOWS - MSCDEX Parameters Menu
CD-ROM starting drive letter
This option allows you to indicate any letter after the hard drives, hard drive
partitions, or network volumes as the starting drive letter for the individual discs in
the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. This letter is reflected in the /L: switch where the
first drive letter for the CD-ROM discs in the individual trays is defined. For
example: /L:H.
Number of MSCDEX Buffers
This sets the buffer size (caching) for each driver letter. Each buffer uses 2K of
Provide Memory Statistics
Provides memory usage statistics on how much memory is used by buffers,
memory resident code, and resident data.
Install Kanji Support
Tells MSCDEX to use Kanji file structures, if present.
Install MS-NET Support
Tells MSCDEX to patch DOS to allow sharing of CD-ROM drives on MS-NET
based networks.
Last Drive =
Indicates the final drive letter to be installed. The default is Z.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
SCSI ID Parameters
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 15 - DOS/WINDOWS - SCSI ID Parameters Menu
SCSI ID of Drive
This indicates the the SCSI ID of the first drive. (0-6). NOTE: Make sure the
SCSI ID number entered here matches the number set on the back of the Changer.
Number of CD-ROM Discs in 1st Drive
This indicates the maximum number of discs you will be accessing in the first,
drive. The default is 6.
Host Adapter Number
This indicates the the ID of a host adapter to which the first Changer is attached.
SCSI ID of 2nd Drive
This indicates the SCSI ID of a second, daisy-chained Changer. (0-6.) NOTE:
Make sure this is different from the number of the first CD-ROM Drive on the SCSI
chain and that it matches the number set on the back of the second Pioneer Changer
on the SCSI chain.
Number of Discs in 2nd Drive
This indicates the maximum number of discs you will be accessing in a second,
daisy-chained Changer. The default is 6.
Host Adapter Number
This indicates the the ID of a host adapter to which a second drive may be attached.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
Notice – Changes Not Saved
This dialog box will appear whenever you select Custom Install, change some of
the parameter settings, and then decide not to save them. It is basically warning
you that the changes have not been saved and the default settings have been
retained. When you press [ESC] you will be returned to the Main Menu, with
QUICK INSTALL highlighted.
ioneer CD-ROM Installer
Ver 2.0
Figure 16 - DOS/WINDOWS - NOTICE Changes Not Saved
Installing More Than One Pioneer CD-ROM Drive
Installing Two Pioneer CD-ROM Changers on one SCSI Chain
Two Pioneer Changers can be installed on one SCSI chain by using the Pioneer
device drivers for IBM-PCs and compatibles that ship with the unit. Use a
Centronic 50 Pin SCSI cable to connect the two drives. Make sure the drive in the
middle of the chain is not terminated and the last drive is terminated. Assign each
drive it’s own specific SCSI ID number. Then select CUSTOM INSTALL and
indicate the SCSI ID numbers of each drive and the number of discs to be
accessed by each drive.
You can also enter the SCSI ID numbers of the two units into the Pioneer Device
Driver line in the CONFIG.SYS with the /S: switch as indicated in the example
below. Also, the /N: switch must be placed into this line to indicate the number
of discs (1-6) to access in each unit.
DEVICE = C:\DEV\DRD600.SYS /D:MSCD000 /N:6,6 /S:0,1 /C:CDP
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Installing Three Pioneer CD-ROM Changers on one SCSI Chain
Three or more Changers can be installed on one SCSI chain by editing the Pioneer
Device Driver line in the CONFIG.SYS to add an /S: switch and an /N: switch.
The /S: switch indicates the SCSI ID number of each Changer installed on the
SCSI chain. The /N: switch indicates the number of discs in each specific
Changer. See example below:
DEVICE= C:\DEV\DRD600.SYS /D:MSCD000 /N: 1,3,6,6 /S:0,1,2,3 /C:CDP
In the Changer with ID 0, one disc, represented by single drive letter, is accessible;
In the Changer with ID 1, three discs, represented by three drive letters are accessible;
In the Changer with ID 2, six discs, represented by six drive letters are accessible;
In the Changer with ID 3, six discs, represented by six drive letters are accessible.
NOTE: For the example above, drive letters d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s will be used.
Total number of drive letters within the system cannot exceed 24. If you decide to
assign an individual drive letter to all six discs within each changer, you will be
limited to three units on one SCSI Chain. To access all six discs in up to seven
Pioneer CD-ROM Changers, use the XDISC utility, described below.
Use a Centronic 50 Pin SCSI cable to connect the third drive to the second drive on the
SCSI Chain, and so forth. Terminate the last changer on the SCSI chain and do not
terminate those in the middle of the chain. See Hardware Installation Guide for more
information about daisy chaining Pioneer CD-ROM Changers. Assign each Changer
on the SCSI chain its own specific SCSI ID.
Using XDisc to Assign Single Drive Letters to Each Changer
A special utility, XDISC.EXE, is included on the Pioneer Driver Diskette. If you edit
the CONFIG.SYS file and then launch XDISC one drive letter will be assigned for
each Pioneer CD-ROM Changer installed on the SCSI Chain. NOTE: Although
XDISC can designate up to 8 separate drive letters, a maximum of seven units can be
installed on the SCSI bus.
First, edit the CONFIG.SYS Pioneer Device Driver line so it includes an /S: switch
indicating the SCSI ID numbers of each drive installed, and an /N: switch, set to 0 for
each drive you want to install. See example below:
DEVICE= C:\DEV\DRD600.SYS /D:MSCD000 /N: 0,0,0,0 /S:0,1,2,3 /C:CDP
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Chapter 3
Using XDisc (cont.)
Then, activate XDISC by typing C:\PIONEER\XDISC. Once XDISC is launched,
type XDISC (space) E (space) 3 to access the third disc in the changer assigned
drive letter “E”. NOTE: Drive letters are assigned the next available letter after the
hard drive, floppy drives, etc. NOTE: Do not set 0 and other numbers together as
/N: settings. To use XDISC the /N: switch must be set to all 0s.
Multi Player Control (MPC) Program
The Multi Player Control v 1.2 is a memory resident “audio” remote control program
for the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. Multi Player Control operates the Pioneer CD-
ROM Changer as a CD Player during execution of most programs on a PC. Multi
Player Control consists of one file to make it resident in memory and another program
to remove it from memory. Use MPC.COM to install Multi Player Control Program
and use MPCRMV.COM to remove it from memory.
Install it by typing C:\ Pioneer\MPC.COM. Once it is installed you can bring it up
with the <ALT+ HYPHEN> keys at any time. From within this program you can
select the disc, track number, instruct the unit to play, pause, or eject the disc, and
you can turn the volume up or down. Use the arrow key to select functions, and press
the space key or enter key to execute a selected function. Use the <ESC> key to
close the MPC window. Type C:\ Pioneer\MPCRMV.COM to remove the
You can also send direct commands to the player from within MPC. Select the
Command function to make the command window pop up. Then type a specific
mnemonic command string such as TR3SEPL <CR> Carriage Return. This will
search to TRACK 3, and PLAY. Or send the command 1KL <CR> to turn Key Lock
ON and disable the eject button on the front of the player. Or send 0KL <CR> to turn
Key Lock OFF. The player will send back an “R” indicating it received and executed
the command. See Appendix D for a complete list of CDP commands to control the
CD-ROM Changer.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 3
IBM DOS / WINDOWS Driver Installation
Calling MPC within Windows
This program can also be used in Windows. Run the Program Manager and open
the MS-DOS Prompt icon. Read instructions and press <ALT+ENTER> to open
a DOS window within Windows. This window can be moved and made smaller.
Within that Window, press <ALT+ HYPHEN> to bring up MPC. Press <ESC> at
any point to put MPC away. Type [EXIT] to return to Windows.
MPC for DOS Error Message:
“Device Driver Not installed. MPC Program is not resident”
MPC.COM will not install if the device driver is not installed or if the /C:CDP
switch has not been included in the Pioneer device driver line. Check the Pioneer
device driver line in the CONFIG.SYS to make sure that the Pioneer driver has
been loaded and make sure the /C:CDP switch is at the end of the device driver
line. Install the driver if it has not been installed, and/or type in /C:CDP at the
end of the device driver line, if it is missing.
Failure to Remove MPC Program
If, for some reason, the MPC program is not removed When you type
C:\Pioneer\MPCRMV.COM, don’t worry. The next time you boot up our
machine it will not appear.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 4
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Macintosh Driver Installation
Inspection Checklist / Installation Overview
Insert the 3.5” PIONEER Macintosh diskette that ships with the Pioneer CD-ROM
Changer into the floppy drive of your Macintosh Computer. Double click on the
PIONEER diskette icon. You will see these icons:
Figure 17 - Macintosh Installation Diskette
NOTE: The CD-ROM Folder contains: CLD Access, Apple CD-ROM, CLD
Remote, CLD Remote Read Me, Foreign File Access, Audio CD Access, ISO
9660 File Access, High Sierra File Access and Apple CD-ROM driver v 5.0.1.
Do not remove any of the files from this folder. Follow instructions for
installation for System 7.0 and above on page 4-3. Leave all of the files in these
folders, so the installer can run properly. The 6.0.7 Folder contains only CLD
Access 1.2. To install drivers for System 6.0.7 and below see pg 4-4.
With SYSTEM 7.0 and Above
Double click on the Installer to automatically install the required files into System
7.0 or above. Files required are contained in CD-ROM Folder. This complete
folder must be present on the diskette, for a successful installation. See next page.
With SYSTEM 6.0.7 and Below
If you are running System 6.0.7 or below, double click on the 6.0.7 Folder. Click
on the file “CLD Access 1.2” and drag it into the System Folder. Open the CD-ROM
Folder by double clicking on it. Then highlight these four files by clicking on
them and holding down the SHIFT key: Foreign File Access, Audio CD Access,
ISO 9660 File Access, High Sierra File Access. Drag these four files into the
System Folder. Power-ON the Pioneer CD-ROM drive and then Power-ON the
Macintosh. Access a CD-ROM disc mounted on the desktop by double clicking on
its icon. For details see page 4-4.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Chapter 4
Quick Installation for System 7.0 and above
After launching the PIONEER diskette and making a back up copy, double click on the
Installer and the proper files will automatically be installed into System 7.0 & above.
Power-down the Macintosh.
Connect the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer to the Computer
using a Macintosh SCSI cable. Make sure the cable is attached securely.
Set the SCSI ID number on the back of the Changer to a number between 1 and 6.
Place the CD-ROM discs into the magazine label side down.
Insert the magazine into the unit and power-ON the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
Restart your Macintosh.
You will see an icon on your desktop for the first CD-ROM disc that is loaded
into the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
Launch CLD Access from the Control Panels folder and use the ROM Controller
to mount multiple discs. Or click on the icon in the top right corner of the menu bar to
select specific CD-ROMs, or to select multi-mount. Multi-mount allows several
CD-ROMs to be mounted on the desktop at the same time. NOTE: A CD-ROM
Changer must be connected to the computer and powered-ON.
The mounted discs will appear as desktop icons as though there were separate drives.
Double click on a CD-ROM icon to open it.
Figure 18 - MACINTOSH - System 7.0 and above QUICK INSTALL
NOTE: Updates to the drivers may mean that different files will be on the
diskette you receive with your Pioneer CD-ROM Drive. You can download the
most recent version of the Macintosh Drivers, file CDROMXX.CPT, from the
Pioneer Bulletin Board. See Appendix F, Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 4
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Using the Installer with System 7.0 and Above
Launch the installer that ships with the diskette to automatically install the drivers and
files that are needed by the Macintosh to communicate with the Pioneer CD-ROM
Changer. NOTE: Remove all virus protection software or other INITs that may conflict
from your System Folder while you are installing the Pioneer drivers. Don’t forget to
replace them in the System Folder after installation of the Pioneer drivers is complete.
You will see this screen when you launch the installer:
M a c i n t o s h H D
Figure 19 - MACINTOSH Installer Screen
Click on INSTALL to automatically install the necessary files. HELP informs you of
the functionality of different buttons. Make sure that you are running the install program
from the PIONEER diskette that ships with the drive. Select CUSTOMIZE to select
specific files to install. This option is useful if you only need to install CLD-Access (the
driver) but do not need to install the specific Extensions. The dialog box in the lower left
side of the Custom Install Screen describes each highlighted item.
Figure 20 - MACINTOSH Custom Install
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Chapter 4
This is the message you will see when installation is completed successfully:
Figure 21 - MACINTOSH - Successful Install Screen
Click on QUIT, to leave the installer. NOTE: Replace any virus protection
software or other inits you may have removed for this installation back into the
System Folder. Restart your computer.
Installing drivers for System 6.0.7 and below
You will need to click on specific files and drag them into the System Folder if
you are using System 6.0.7 or below. NOTE: ONLY use the installer for
Macintosh Systems 7.0 and above.
Double click to open the Pioneer Macintosh diskette that ships with your Pioneer
CD-ROM Changer. Then double click on the 6.0.7 Folder, to open it. Inside this
folder you will see the file CLD Access 1.2. Highlight this file, hold the mouse
button down, and drag it over the System Folder icon for System 6.0.7 or below.
When the System Folder is highlighted, you can release the mouse button.
Then double click on the CD-ROM Folder contained on the Pioneer diskette.
Select these four files by clicking on them, while simultaneously holding down
the shift key: Audio CD Access, Foreign File Access, ISO 9660 File Access, and
High Sierra File Access. When they are all highlighted, drag them over the
System Folder icon for System 6.0.7 or below. As described above, when the
System Folder is highlighted, you can release the mouse button.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Chapter 4
Operations Check
If CLD Access has been installed properly and a Pioneer CD-ROM Changer is attached
via SCSI cable to the Macintosh and powered ON, the following icon will be seen at the
bottom of the screen at start-up. Look for it, to make sure it has been installed properly.
If the Pioneer Macintosh Drivers have been installed, but the CD-ROM Changer is not
connected to the Macintosh and Powered ON, the following icon will appear on boot-up.
Under System 7.0 and above, CLD Access and Apple CD-ROM files should be in the
Control Panel Folder. ISO 9660, High Sierra, Foreign File Access and Audio CD
Access should be in the Extension Folder.
If you are running System 6.0.7 or below, all of these files should be in the System
Folder: CLD Access 1.2, ISO 9660, High Sierra, Foreign File Access, Audio CD Access.
NOTE: If you are using the Apple CD 150 or CD SC Plus, or CD SC with the
Pioneer CD-ROM Changer and running System 6.0.7 or below, DO NOT install
the Apple CD-ROM device driver. If an Apple CD-ROM driver is installed,
remove it. CLD Access 1.2 supports the Apple Drives listed above. If you are using the
Pioneer CD-ROM Changer with the Apple CD-300 or CD-300i (for Power PC) or newer
Apple CD-ROM drives and running System 6.0.7, use CLD Access 3.0 and Apple CD-
ROM Driver v 5.0.1. Drag them from the CD-ROM Folder into the 6.0.7 System Folder.
CLD-Access 1.2 does not support newer Apple CD-ROM drives. If you install CLD-
Access 3.0 under System 6.0.7 or below, enable MultiFinder, then restart. CLD-Access
3.0 will not change discs in regular Finder mode. With System 7.0, install CLD-Access 3.0
and the Apple CD-ROM 5.0.1 if using a Pioneer Changer with an Apple CD-ROM drive.
Other Installation Options
If you ar installing more than one SCSI Device, make sure the SCSI devices on
the chain each have individual SCSI ID address numbers between 1 and 6 when
the Pioneer Changer is connected to a Macintosh computer. Only the last device
on the SCSI chain is terminated. All other devices should not be terminated.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 4
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Using CLD Access
CLD Access is a control panel document. Select Control Panels from under the
Apple Menu, then double click on CLD Access or go into the System Folder and
open Control Panels Folder, then double click on CLD Access to launch it. You
will see the ROM Mount Controller dialog box:
CLD Access
Figure 22 - CLD Access / ROM Mount Controller
This controller indicates the SCSI ID number of the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer.
And it also shows the discs loaded into the Pioneer Changer. If there is an X in
the box next to the title and the title is in black lettering, you know the disc is
mounted. NOTE: To the left of the title, you will see a musical note, if as in the
example above, the CD-ROM contains CD-Digital Audio.
Multi-Mount Option
Unless Multi-Mount is selected, the drive will unmount the disc currently mounted
and mount the next disc selected. Click on the Multi-Mount box if you wish to have
more than one disc mounted on the desktop at one time.
CLD Menu Option
If the CLD Menu box is selected, you will see the CLD Menu icon below appear
at the far right hand side of the Macintosh’s top menu bar. Select CLD Menu by
checking the box in the lower left hand corner of CD-ROM Controller dialog box
and restart computer. On boot up, you will see the icon on the menu bar. Clicking
on this icon will allow you to select mounted discs from the desktop, without
having to bring up CLD Access.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Chapter 4
Figure 23 - CLD Menu Icon
Using CLD Remote
There is one utility program included with the Macintosh Pioneer CD-ROM drivers.
This is CLD Remote, a remote control program for the Macintosh that can be used to
control CD Audio discs.
When CLD Remote is opened, the controller screen for CD-ROM changer appears if
the drivers are installed, the CD-ROM Changer is attached to the Macintosh via SCSI
and powered ON. You will see this screen:
Figure 24 - MACINTOSH CLD Remote
Here are descriptions of the CLD REMOTE indicators and control panel:
A — This indicates the title of the Audio CD and Track number currently playing.
B — These numbers indicate the SCSI ID (1-6) of the drive; the disc tray in which
the active Audio CD is in (1-6); the track number that is currently playing; and the
elapsed time of the track, if DISC TIME is selected under the FILE MENU.
Note: If Absolute Time is selected in the File Menu, this time number will indicate
total time that has elapsed during playback of the CD.
C — The top bar indicates the elapsed time within the track (Disc Time) and the
bottom bar indicates the elapsed time within the entire CD (Absolute Time).
D — This is a volume control.
(Descriptions are continued on next page.)
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 4
MACINTOSH Driver Installation
Descriptions of CLD REMOTE indicators and control panel (continued)
E — These are the control buttons. The large one in the top right corner is PLAY, the
one below it is PAUSE, the on the lower left is STOP, the two above that are SCAN
FORWARD and SCAN REVERSE, and the two above those in the upper right side
of this small panel are STEP FORWARD and STEP REVERSE.
F — The Menu Bar has pull down menus entitled: FILE EDIT DISC TRACK
and REPEAT. Here is a description of what you will find under each one:
FILE: This allows you to SAVE, set ABSOLUTE TIME or DISC TIME,
and to QUIT. NOTE: When ABSOLUTE TIME is selected, the time
numbers that appear in the CLD REMOTE panel indicate total time elapsed
on the entire CD audio disc. When DISC TIME is selected, the time
numbers that appear in the CLD REMOTE panel indicate the time elapsed
on the particular TRACK that is playing.
EDIT: There are options for UNDO, CUT, COPY, PASTE, CLEAR.
DISC: This menu item indicates the titles of the CD Audio discs loaded
into the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. NOTE: Titles of non-audio CDs do
not appear, they are indicated by the words “NON-AUDIO DISC”.
TRACK: This indicates the Tracks on the CD audio disc.
REPEAT: This allows the user to instruct the player to REPEAT
RANDOM Repeat can also be selected.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 5
Special Issues
Special Issues
for IBM-PC & Compatible Users
These are some special issues that may be encountered with IBM-PC &
compatible computers when connecting a Pioneer CD-ROM Changer:
Third Party Device Drivers
A number of third party device drivers are available for different operating systems.
Please refer to Pioneer Product Information Bulletin #25. This document is also
available on the Pioneer LaserFacts System by ordering document number 34 024
and 34 025. See Appendix E for information about the Pioneer LaserFacts System.
Also, see Appendix F for Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers.
Using a Pioneer CD-ROM Changer as a network resource may require third party
software. A list of several companies and their software products has been
compiled as a resource. It is available as Pioneer Product Information Bulletin
#25. This document is also available on the Pioneer LaserFacts System by
ordering document number 34 024 and 34 025. See Appendix E for information
about the Pioneer LaserFacts System. See Appendix F for Pioneer Technical
Resource Numbers.
Maximizing Performance
• Setting High memory; Buffer Sizes
On the first installation, simplify the process by not using high memory or cache
buffers. This will help you get the system up and running faster. Once the system
is running smoothly, feel free to experiment with loading into high memory and
conserving DOS operating space. To use High Memory, use the /E switch in the
device driver line in the CONFIG.SYS and for the MSCDEX device line in the
You can also set MSCDEX buffers to different sizes by using the /M: switch in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT. Each number in the /M switch represents 2KB of memory.
MSCDEX automatically allocates 8 KB into memory per disc. So using the /M
switch is redundant and uses extra memory. With the /E: switch on, it will allocate
this into EMS memory.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Special Issues
Chapter 5
About AUDIO on CD-ROMs
There are three types of Audio that you will find on CD-ROM discs:
• CD-DA Compact Disc Digital Audio (Conforms to the Red Book Standard)
• Compressed Audio (ADPCM, Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation).
Conforms to the Yellow Book Standard and is found on CD-ROM discs.
• Compressed Audio (ADPCM) that is interleaved with computer data and
found on CD-ROM XA discs.
Compact Disc Digital Audio is high quality audio you’re probably familiar with
on audio compact discs (CDs). This audio is output through the RCA jacks on the
back of the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer. Cables from these RCA jacks can be
connected to an amplifier and speakers or to powered speakers. You can also
hear the audio through headphones connected to the headphone jack on the front
of the unit.
Compressed Audio found on most CD-ROMs requires that a Sound Card be
installed in the computer. The drive transfers the compressed audio data to the
host computer for decompression and conversion through the sound card. The
sound card processes the audio through the computer and outputs the audio
through jacks to an amplifier and speakers or to powered speakers.
Check with the publisher or distributor of the CD ROM product to determine if it
uses CD-DA or compressed audio. Remember if the CD-ROM product outputs
compressed audio, you will need a sound card in your computer to hear the audio.
Kodak Photo CDs - Single Session/ Multi-Session
Pioneer CD-ROM Changers are Kodak Photo-CD compatible and can read
multi-session Kodak Photo-CDs. Multi-session Photo-CDs are those where sets
of photographs are encoded onto the disc at different times. Single-session
Photo-CDs have only one set of photos on the disc, encoded at one time. A
program that will open Photo-CD files for viewing is also required, such as
Kodak Viewer, Aldus PhotoShop, QUICKTIME for the Macintosh, or Microsoft
Video for Windows.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Chapter 5
Special Issues
Using CD Player (CDP) commands to control the drive
After installing the proper device driver, the /C:CDP switch should be found in the
Device line of the CONFIG.SYS. When this switch is present, CD Player
commands can be sent the player either from the DOS Prompt or by using the
MPC utility as described in Chapter 3 for IBM-PC and compatible computers.
For example, when sending commands from the DOS prompt:
C:\>ECHO 1KL >CDP <CR> Turns on the Key Lock (disables eject button).
C:\>ECHO 0KL >CDP <CR> Turns off the Key Lock (enables eject button).
See Appendix D for a list of CDP Commands. These commands can be used after
the ECHO statement in the lines described above.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Chapter 6
Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
Here are some common questions asked about Pioneer CD-ROM Changers.
Can I use my Pioneer CD-ROM Changer on a network?
There are many third party drivers available for networking a Pioneer CD-ROM
Changer. Order Pioneer LaserFacts System document number 34 024 and 34 025.
See Appendix E for more information on the Pioneer LaserFacts System.
What if there is no sound audible?
The disc is probably outputting Compressed Audio. This data needs to be
transferred from the unit to the host computer for decompression and conversion
to audio. Make sure you have a sound card installed to handle these tasks. If you
do have a sound card installed and are still unable to hear compressed audio,
check with the sound card manufacturer or disc publisher.
If the audio is CD-DA (Compact Disc-Digital Audio) the audio light on the front
panel of the unit will appear. The audio will be output through the headphone
jack on the front of the unit, or through the jacks on the back of the unit to an
amplifier and speakers or to powered speakers. To test that these connections
have all been made properly, insert a compact audio disc (CD) into the first tray,
make sure the drivers are properly installed, then use MPC for the PC or CLD
Remote for the Macintosh to play the CD in the Changer.
Will a combination sound card/SCSI interface card work with
Pioneer CD-ROM Changers?
A sound card with a SCSI interface included will work fine with Pioneer drives,
as long as the SCSI card is ASPI compliant and supports multiple LUNS (Logical
Unit Numbers). Install the ASPI Manager that ships with the card, then install
ASPI compatible drivers suich as Pioneer DRD60ASP.SYS. If possible, make
sure the card is comapatible with a 50 pin Centronics SCSI connector. Otherwise,
you may need an adapter to enable connecting the 50 pin Centronics SCSI cable
to the external port of the card.
Can I use the Pioneer CD-ROM Changers with a sound card?
You can use the Pioneer units with any sound card as long as the card is supported
by the actual software on the CD-ROM disc that you are using. Remember, if the
CD-ROM disc uses compressed audio, you will need a sound card. Contact the
CD-ROM disc publisher or distributor to find out what sound cards the product
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Questions and Answers
Chapter 6
supports before you purchase a CD-ROM disc that includes compressed audio.
What should I do if the CD-ROM Changer always inserts the first
or the same disc, no matter which disc the software has been
instructed to use?
The software package was probably written to work with a single CD-ROM
Drive. Try placing the disc in the first slot and then reinstall the application.
Contact the software manufacturer to see if a version of the software exists that
supports multiple subunits.
If you are using an ASPI compatible host adapter, the ASPI Manager may require
an /L: or /ET: statement to enable access to multiple logical units. Refer to the
documentation accompanying the host adapter or contact the host adapater
Wha t should I d o if the BUSY lig ht fla she s a t one se c ond
inte rva ls and the drive does not respond to commands?
This is a visual indicator from the drive that something is affecting the CD-ROM
Changer’s ability to perform. It may be a mechanical problem. Or, the drive may
be in Test Mode. Make sure the switch for Test Mode is DOWN/OFF. For almost
all DOS applications, only the terminator switch (SW #2) on the DRM-602X
should be up. All others on the DRM-602X and all switches on the DRM-604X
should be down.
What should I do if the Magazine will not eject from the unit?
There are two possible causes of this symptom. One is that the software has
locked the magazine into the machine and will not let the user eject the disk. The
other is that the user has set the last dip switch UP/ON so it has disabled the eject
switch on the front panel. In either case, to remove the magazine, make sure that
the last dip switch is DOWN. Then turn the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer OFF and
back ON. This should allow the front panel eject button to work.
NOTE: If the magazine still does not eject, call End-User CD-ROM Technical
Support. See Appendix F for Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
Troubleshooting IBM-PC DOS/WINDOWS Installation
If the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer does not respond after running through the
Operations Check on page 3-7 of this Software Installation Guide, note any error
messages that may appear in the Inquiry ID line on boot up.
Error messages and how to correct them are described on individual pages of this
Appendix as indicated below. If you do need to call for Pioneer End-User
CD-ROM Technical Support (See Appendix E for Pioneer Technical Resource
Numbers), please be prepared to describe any error messages and the contents of
the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files in your system. This will help
Pioneer Industrial Representatives solve your problem more quickly.
1. Driver Error Messages
page #
• SCSI interface card can’t communicate with drive.........................................A-2
• Timeout during selection phase.......................................................................A-4
• Timeout waiting for initial bus free phase
status phase or data phase ............................................................................A-5
• Characters on the Inquiry “ID=0” line are jumbled ........................................A-5
• The “Inquiry ID=0 Pioneer CD-ROM DRM-xxxX” line is blank..................A-6
2. MSCDEX Error Messages
• CDR101 Not Ready Reading Drive D ............................................................A-7
• CDR 103 Disk is not ISO 9660 or High Sierra...............................................A-8
• Device Driver Not Found................................................................................A-8
• Incorrect DOS Version....................................................................................A-9
3. DOS Error Message
• Invalid Drive Specification .............................................................................A-9
4. Hardware Issues. What to do if.......
• The cartridge will not eject from the Minichanger .......................................A-10
• The drive always inserts the first or the same disc, no matter
which disc the software has been instructed to use....................................A-10
• The BUSY light flashes at one-second intervals and the drive
does not respond to commands ..................................................................A-11
• Boot problems or the unit only accesses Drive D .........................................A-11
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A
SCSI in t erface card
can ’t com m u n icat e
wit h drive
Th is m ean s th e device driver was
n ot able to locate th e proper SCSI
in terface card in th e PC.
1. Ver ify t h a t t h e Pion eer CD-ROM Ch a n ger h a s been t u r n ed ON.
2. Ma k e s u r e you a r e u s in g t h e SCSI Ca ble t h a t goes wit h you r
in t er fa ce ca r d . Not all DB 25 Cen tron ics 50 pin cables are th e sam e.
Older Fu tu re Dom ain cards (TMC-845) u se an HCA-108 Fu tu re Dom ain
cable. Most cu rren t Fu tu re Dom ain SCSI in terface cards requ ire an
Apple Sign al SCSI cable; th ere will be an Apple sticker on th e in terface
card. Use eith er a gen eric Apple Sign al SCSI cable, or u se a Fu tu re
Dom ain cable # HCA-110.
For in form ation abou t th e correct cable to u se with oth er SCSI cards,
con tact th e SCSI in terface card m an u factu rer or dealer.
3. Power d own t h e com p u t er a n d t h e Pion eer Ch a n ger a n d ch eck
t o m a k e s u r e t h e SCSI ca bles a r e s ecu r ely a t t a ch ed t o t h e
com p u t er a n d t o t h e ch a n ger.
4. Wh en In sta llin g th e Drivers, m a k e su re you in d ica te th e correct
in ter fa ce ca rd you a re u sin g, so th e correct d river is in sta lled .
Ch eck th e DEVICE driver lin e in th e CONFIG.SYS to verify th at th e
correct device driver h as been in stalled:
• DRD600.SYS m u st be u sed with a Fu tu re Dom ain or DD-C5002
• DRD60ASP.SYS mu st be u sed with an ASPI compatible interface card
• DRD60PS.SYS m u st be u sed with an IBM SCSI in terface card.
“SCSI in t erface card can ’t com m u n icat e wit h drive”
Con tin u ed on n ext page
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
SCSI in t erface card
can ’t com m u n icat e
Th is m ean s th e device driver was n ot
able to locate th e proper SCSI
in terface card in th e PC.
wit h drive
(con t . from previou s page)
5. Power d own t h e com p u t er, d is con n ect t h e ca ble fr om t h e ba ck of
t h e PC a n d r es t a r t t h e com p u t er. If you still get th e sam e m essage,
“SCSI h ost adapter can ’t com m u n icate with drive”, after you boot u p, th e
in terface card m ay be con flictin g with an oth er board in th e com pu ter. Refer
to th e in terface card docu m en tation an d ch an ge th e ju m pers on card. If th e
error ch an ges to “Tim e Ou t Du rin g Selection Ph ase”, you m ay h ave a bad
cable or a poor con n ection . Re-seat th e cable or ch an ge it an d try again .
6. Th er e cou ld be a con flict wit h a n ot h er boa r d in s t a lled in t h e
com p u t er. Th e Fu tu re Dom ain SCSI in terface card is a m em ory m apped
board an d can be m apped in to fou r differen t addresses (th e C000 an d D000
m em ory segm en ts). See In stallation Man u al packaged with th e in terface
card for in form ation on ch an gin g ju m per addresses.
7. If u s in g a m em or y m a n a ger su ch as 386^MAX, QEMM, EMM.SYS (or
som eth in g with a sim ilar n am e), m ake su re th at th e m em ory m an ager h as
exclu ded th e m em ory ran ge u sed by th e Fu tu re Dom ain in terface card.
Ch eck you r m em ory m an ager in stru ction s for th e details on th is. Type th is
in to th e Con fig.SYS after th e lin e th at calls th e m em ory m an ager:
EXCLUDE =C800-C9FF or RAM=C800-C9FF.
It is a good idea to do th is even if n o problem s are eviden t.
8. Ch eck wh et h er a 1 6 bit VGA ca r d is in s t a lled in t h e com p u t er.
A 16 bit VGA card m ay con flict with all fou r Fu tu re Dom ain Mem ory
addresses. Set th e VGA card to 8 bit m ode.
10. Th e in ter fa ce ca rd or th e slot for it in th e PC m a y be m a lfu n ction in g.
Try placin g th e SCSI in terface card in a differen t expan sion slot in th e
com pu ter. If you are still h avin g problem s, try replacin g th e in terface card.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A
Th is m ean s th e driver cou ld n ot locate
th e Ch an ger on th e SCSI bu s. Th e
device driver was, h owever, able to
locate th e in terface card.
Tim e ou t du rin g
select ion ph ase
1. Ver ify t h a t t h e Pion eer CD-ROM Ch a n ger is t u r n ed ON.
2. Ha s t h e SCSI ID n u m ber s et on t h e ba ck of t h e Pion eer Ch a n ger
been ch a n ged s in ce t h e s oft wa r e d r iver s wer e in s t a lled ? If so, go in to
th e CONFIG.SYS an d after D:MSCD000 statem en t en ter / S:1, or th e
n u m ber from 0-7 th at th e ch an ger SCSI ID h as been set to. Make su re
th ere is n o oth er device on th e SCSI bu s with th e sam e SCSI ID n u m ber.
3. Ver ify t h a t t h e cor r ect ca ble is con n ect ed to both th e in terface card
in th e PC an d to th e Pion eer Ch an ger. Not all DB 25 Cen tron ics 50 pin
cables are th e sam e. Older Fu tu re Dom ain cards (TMC-845) u se an HCA-
108 Fu tu re Dom ain cable. Most cu rren t Fu tu re Dom ain in terface cards
requ ire an Apple Sign al SCSI cable. These are identified by an Apple sticker
on the interface card. Use either a generic Apple Signal SCSI cable, or a Fu tu re
Domain cable HCA-110.
For information abou t the correct cable to u se with other SCSI interface cards,
con tact th e m an u factu rer or dealer.
4. Ma k e su re both en d s of th e SCSI ch a in a re ter m in a ted . The interface
card is considered the first device on the chain and typically is terminated by
the manu factu rer. If the Pioneer Changer is the only device on the chain or if
it is the last device on a chain, make su re termination is ON. If it is in the
middle of a SCSI chain, tu rn termination OFF. See Hardware Instru ctions for
setting termination.
5. Power d own t h e com p u t er a n d t h e ch a n ger, d is con n ect t h e ca ble
fr om t h e ba ck of t h e PC a n d r es t a r t t h e com p u t er. If you get the
message, “SCSI host adapter can’t commu nicate with drive”, after you boot
u p, the interface card may be conflicting with another board in the compu ter.
Refer to the interface card docu mentation and change the ju mpers on card. If
the error reads “Time Ou t Du ring Selection Phase”, you may have a bad cable
or a poor connection. Re-seat the cable or ch an ge it an d try again .
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
Tim e ou t wait in g for
Th is m ean s you h ave som e kin d of
problem with th e SCSI cable or a
problem with term in ation .
in it ial bu s free ph ase,
st at u s ph ase or
dat a ph ase
1. Power d own t h e com p u t er a n d t h e Pion eer Ch a n ger a n d r e-s ea t
t h e ca ble. Make su re it is secu rely attach ed. If th e problem persists,
replace th e cable.
2. Ch eck t er m in a t ion . If th e Pion eer Ch an ger is th e on ly device or th e
last device on th e SCSI ch ain , term in ation sh ou ld be ON. If it is in th e
m iddle of a SCSI ch ain , term in ation sh ou ld be OFF.
Th e DRM-604X h as a term in ation switch on th e back pan el th at can be set
ON or OFF. Th e DRM-602X sets term in ation by placin g DIP switch 2 in an
UP/ ON position or a DOWN/ OFF position .
Ch aract ers on t h e
Inquiry ID=0
lin e are ju m bled
Th is m ean s th ere is a problem on th e
SCSI ch ain .
1. Ch eck t er m in a t ion . If th e Pion eer Ch an ger is th e on ly device or th e
last device on th e SCSI Ch ain , term in ation sh ou ld be ON. If it is in th e
m iddle of a SCSI Ch ain , term in ation sh ou ld be OFF. Th e DRM-604X h as a
term in ation switch on th e back pan el th at can be set to ON or OFF. Th e
DRM-602X sets term in ation by placin g DIP switch 2 in an UP/ ON position
or a DOWN/ OFF position .
2. Power d own t h e com p u t er a n d t h e ch a n ger, d is con n ect t h e ca ble
fr om t h e ba ck of t h e com p u t er a n d r es t a r t . If you get an error message
that reads “Time Ou t Du ring Selection Phase”, you may have a bad cable or a
poor connection. Reseat the cable or chan ge it an d try again .
3. If t h e p r oblem p er s is t s , it m a y be a in t er fa ce ca r d con flict , a ba d
ext en s ion s lot , or a p r oblem wit h t h e in t er fa ce ca r d . Try ch an gin g th e
address of th e in terface card. Refer to in terface card docu m en tation . Try
placin g th e in terface card in an oth er slot. Try replacin g th e in terface card.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A
This means that the device driver located a
interface card which appeared to be a
Fu tu re Domain interface card, bu t was not.
We have seen this with Seagate ST01 and
Th e
Inquiry ID=0 lin e
is blan k
(There is no Pioneer Changer
ST02 interface cards and the CMS SCSI
m odel nu m ber, or ROM
version nu m ber on this line.)
adapter/ dau ghter board for the PS/ 2 Model
30-286 which all u se the TI SCSI chip.
1. Th er e cou ld be a con flict wit h a n ot h er boa r d in s t a lled in t h e
com p u t er. Th e Fu tu re Dom ain SCSI in terface card is a m em ory m apped
board an d can be m apped in to fou r differen t addresses (th e C000 an d
D000 m em ory segm en ts). See In stallation Man u al packaged with th e
in terface card for in form ation on ch an gin g ju m per addresses.
2. Ver sion s 1 .0 5 a n d la t er of t h e Pion eer DRD6 0 0 .SYS d r iver su p p or t
m u lt ip le SCSI in t er fa ce ca r d s. Th e driver search es for th e in terface cards
in a particu lar order, based on th e address. Th is order is CA00, C800, CE00,
DE00. The first adapter fou nd becomes interface card #0, the second #1, and
so on. To tell the driver which adapter to u se, the syntax of the / S switch of
DRD600.SYS driver in the Config.Sys m u st be m odified. See #3 below.
3. Th e form at of th e statem en t to be added to th e Con fig.Sys is:
/ S:n 1[;h 1]
wh ere n 1 = SCSI ID Nu m ber of first Pion eer Ch an ger
h 1 = Nu m ber of in terface card for first drive (defau lt is #0)
4. Exa m ple: There is a Seagate ST01 SCSI interface card located at address
C800. The Fu tu re Domain interface card has been set to address CE00. The
Changer has a SCSI ID of 4. To access this combination u se: / S:4;1
To con n ect a Ch an ger at SCSI ID 3 to th e first in terface card an d a Ch an ger
with SCSI ID 5 to th e secon d, th e settin g wou ld be: / S:3;0,5;l Also, set
/ N:6,6 to in dicate th e n u m ber of discs available in each u n it.
NOTE: Certain version s of th e Seagate SCSI in terface cards appear twice in
m em ory. Wh en th is h appen s, th e in qu iry lin e will still be blan k. If th is
h appen s, raise th e in terface card n u m ber by 1.
5. Some inter fa ce ca rds support dua l SCSI devices. This can allow up to 14
SCSI devices to be run off one SCSI interface card. If you are using a interface
card that supports dual SCSI devices, and the Inquiry ID=0 line is missing, make
sure you have selected the proper channel for the interface card. Refer to the
interface card documentation or contact the manufacturer for information about
how to select the proper channel. Try syntax from example #3 above:
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
CDR1 0 1 Not ready
readin g drive D
Th is m ean s th e drive h as failed to
read th e disc.
1. Verify th a t d iscs a re in th e pla yer la bel sid e d own . Also check to make
su re the discs are not seriou sly scratched and that they do not have a lot of
finger prints on them. If the discs have finger prints on them, they can be
cleaned by drawing a soft cloth from the center hole to the edge of the disc;
never u se a circu lar motion. Excessive scratches may make the disc u nreadable.
2. Ma k e s u r e t h a t t h e MSCDEX is loa d in g in t o t h e Au t oexec.Ba t
p r op er ly. It sh ou ld be loadin g first, an d it sh ou ld n ot be REMARKed ou t.
3. Ma k e s u r e t h a t t h e MSCDEX la bel in t h e Con fig.Sys m a t ch es t h e
la bel in t h e Au t oexec.Ba t . It often reads / D:MSCD000 or / D:MSCD001.
4. Reboot th e com pu ter a n d look for m ore er r or m essa ges on boot u p.
Use the PAUSE key to stop the screen and any key to continu e. Look for
details regarding specific errors in this Appendix.
5. Look ca r efu lly a t t h e In qu ir y ID=0 lin e on boot -u p . Make su re you
see th e Pion eer DRM m odel n u m ber an d th e fou r -digit ROM version
n u m ber at th e en d of th e lin e. If you do n ot see th e m odel n u m ber an d th e
ROM version n u m ber, you probably h ave trou ble on th e SCSI bu s. Ch eck to
m ake su re th at all cables are secu rely attach ed. Also ch eck term in ation .
Th e last u n it on th e SCSI ch ain sh ou ld be term in ated an d u n its in th e
m iddle of th e chain shou ld not be terminated. See Ha rd wa re In stru ction s for
information on termination for specific Changers. Also, u se the correct SCSI
cable for the specific SCSI interface card installed.
6. Tr y a cces s in g d iffer en t d is cs . If th e ch an ger is still n ot readin g th e
discs, it is possible it is h avin g a m ech an ical problem . Refer to TB
# 1 6 8 an d see in stru ction s for ru n n in g a Self-Test. Also refer to TB
# 1 6 9 for in stru ction s on ru n n in g th e Au dio Play Test. Th ese two tests
can be u sed to ch eck th e m ech an ical fu n ction in g of th e u n it.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A
CDR 1 0 3
Th is m ean s th e disc is probably n ot
Disc is n ot ISO 9 6 6 0
or High Sierra
a High Sierra or ISO 9660 form at.
Eith er High Sierra or ISO 9660 is
requ ired to work with Microsoft
Exten sion s (MSCDEX).
1. Ver ify t h a t t h e d is c is High Sier r a or ISO 9 6 6 0 for m a t a n d t h a t
it is n ot a n Au d io Dis c.
2. Ch eck a n d m a k e s u r e t h e d is c h a s n ot been d a m a ged or
s cr a t ch ed a n d t h a t it d oes n ot h a ve a lot of fin ger p r in t s on it .
Th is cou ld keep th e Pion eer Ch an ger from readin g th e disc properly.
3. Ver ify t h a t t h e Pion eer Ch a n ger is fu n ct ion in g p r op er ly. Refer to
Pion eer Tech n ica l Bu llet in # 1 6 8 to ru n a Self-Test on th e u n it. Refer
to Pion eer Tech n ica l Bu llet in # 1 6 9 to ru n an Au dio Play test.
4. Th is m es s a ge m a y be ca u s ed by a t er m in a t ion p r oblem . Make
su re both ends of the SCSI chain are terminated. The SCSI interface card
is considered the first device on the chain and typically is terminated by
the manu factu rer. If the Pioneer Changer is the only device on the chain
or if it is the last device in a chain, make su re termination is ON. If it is in
the middle of a SCSI chain, tu rn termination OFF. See Ha r d wa r e
In str u ction s for setting termination.
Device driver
n ot fou n d
Th is m ean s th e system cou ld n ot
fin d a device driver n am e or path
du rin g boot u p.
1. Ch eck t h e Con fig.Sys a n d ver ify t h a t t h e cor r ect d r iver for you r
in t er fa ce ca r d h a s been loa d ed in t o a d ir ect or y on t h e com p u t er ’s
h a r d d r ive. Make su re th e device driver is in th e path specified in th e
Con fig.Sys. Make su re th e path exists, th e driver is in th e path an d th e
n am e is labeled correctly.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
Th is m ean s th e th e version of DOS
you are u sin g is in com patible with
th e version of MSCDEX in stalled.
In correct DOS
1. Ma k e s u r e you a r e u s in g t h e la t es t ver s ion of MSCDEX.
(Micr os oft CD Ext en s ion s ). Often a m ore recen t version of MSCDEX
will sh ip with an u pgraded version of DOS (DOS 6 an d h igh er). Copy
th is version in to th e directory wh ere you h ave in stalled th e Pion eer
CD-ROM drivers. Go to th e DOS directory an d copy th e file::
an d press ENTER. You sh ou ld see a m essage “1 file(s) copied”.
2. If u s in g a ver s ion of DOS lower t h a n 6 , in clu d e t h is lin e in t h e
Con fig.Sys — C;\ DOS\ SETVER.EXE. Wh en you add th is lin e to th e
Con fig.Sys, u se th e MSCDEX file th at sh ips with th e Pion eer drivers.
DOS Error Message
In valid drive
specificat ion
Th is u su ally m ean s th at MSCDEX
h as n ot ru n or did n ot set u p
en ou gh drive letters.
1. If n on e of t h e CD-ROM d r ive let t er s a p p ea r on boot -u p , ch eck
t h e AUTOEXEC.BAT to m ake su re th at th e lin e for MSCDEX.EXE did
load an d is above an y sh ell program s (like Win dows) or m en u system s
(like Direct Access or Au toMen u ). MSCDEX.EXE sh ou ld be listed first in
th e Au toexec.Bat an d sh ou ld n ot be REMARKed ou t. (See Ap p en d ix C.)
2. Ma k e s u r e t h e lin e “La s t Dr ive=Z ” is in t h e Con fig.Sys . If it is
n ot, type it in .
3. If s om e, bu t n ot a ll s ix d r ive let t er s a r e a va ila ble, p la ce a n /N:
s t a t em en t on t h e Pion eer Device Dr iver lin e in CONFIG.SYS. After
th e MSCD000, add a statem en t th at reads: / N:6. (Refer to Ap p en d ix
C for a com plete description of param eters available in th e Device Driver
Lin e in th e Con fig.Sys.)
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation Appendix A
Cart ridge will n ot
eject from t h e
Ch an ger
1. Th er e a r e t wo p os s ible ca u s es of t h is s ym p t om . On e is th at th e
software h as locked th e m agazin e in to th e m ach in e an d will n ot let th e u ser
eject it. Th e oth er is th at th e u ser h as set th e last DIP switch UP/ ON so it
h as disabled th e EJ ECT bu tton on th e fron t pan el.
2. In eit h er ca s e, t o r em ove t h e m a ga zin e, m ake su re th e last DIP
switch is DOWN, th en tu rn th e Pion eer Ch an ger OFF an d back ON. Th is
sh ou ld allow th e fron t pan el EJ ECT bu tton to work. NOTE: Th e DRM-602X
provides a ligh t on th e fron t pan el of th e u n it th at in dicates if th e EJ ECT
bu tton is disabled, lockin g th e m agazin e.
3. If a d is c t r a y is s t u ck , r efu s in g t o a llow t h e m a ga zin e t o eject ,
con t a ct Pion eer Tech n ica l Su p p or t or Pion eer Ser vice.
Th e drive always in sert s
t h e first or t h e sam e disc,
n o m at t er wh ich disc t h e
soft ware h as been
in st ru ct ed t o u se
1. Us e t h e m os t cu r r en t ver s ion of t h e d r iver. Cu rren t Pion eer CD-ROM
Ch an ger drivers are available on th e Pion eer Electron ic Bu lletin Board.
See Ap p en d ix E, Pion eer Tech n ica l Res ou r ce Nu m ber s
2. Con ta ct ASPI in ter fa ce ca rd m a n u fa ctu rer for in for m a tion a bou t ASPI
Ma n a ger Switch es. The ASPI Manager may requ ire / L: statement or / ET:
statement to enable a nu mber of logical u nits.
3. Th e s oft wa r e p a ck a ge wa s p r oba bly wr it t en t o wor k wit h a s in gle
CD-ROM. Try placin g th e disc in th e first slot an d th en re-in stall th e
application . If th is works, con tact th e software m an u factu rer to see if a
version of th e software exists th at su pports m u ltiple su b-u n its.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix A Troubleshooting IBM- PC DOS / WINDOWS Installation
BUSY ligh t Flash es
at on e-secon d
in t ervals
1. Th is is a vis u a l in d ica t or fr om t h e d r ive t h a t s om et h in g is
wr on g wit h t h e d r ive, a ffect in g it s a bilit y t o p er for m . It m ay be a
m ech an ical problem . Or, th e drive m ay be in test m ode.
2. Ma k e s u r e t h e s wit ch for Tes t Mod e is DOWN/OFF. Refer to
Op er a t in g In s t r u ct ion s. For alm ost all DOS application s, on ly th e
term in ator switch on th e DRM-602X sh ou ld be u p. All oth ers on th e
DRM602X an d all switch es on th e DRM604X sh ou ld be down .
3. Ver ify t h a t t h e Pion eer Ch a n ger is fu n ct ion in g p r op er ly. Refer to
TB # 1 6 8 to ru n a Self-Test on th e u n it an d to TB # 1 6 9 to ru n an Au dio
Play test. Th ese docu m en ts are available as 3 2 1 6 9 & 3 2 1 7 0 on th e
Pion eer La s er Fa ct s Sys t em ; see Ap p en d ix F.
Boot problem s or t h e
u n it on ly accesses
Drive D
1. It you a r e n ot boot in g fr om a SCSI h a r d d r ive u s in g t h is SCSI
in t er fa ce ca r d ca r d , a n d if t h er e is a boot ROM on t h e in t er fa ce
ca r d , t h e boot ROM s h ou ld be r em oved or d is a bled u s in g s oft wa r e
op t ion s .
2. If boot in g fr om a SCSI Ha r d d r ive, m a k e s u r e t h e SCSI IDs d o
n ot con flict a n d t h a t t er m in a t ion on t h e SCSI in t er fa ce ca r d is
d is a bled . Con su lt docu m en tation for in terface card m an u factu rer.
NOTE: Th e h ard drive sh ou ld be term in ated as th e first device on th e
ch ain an d if th e th e Pion eer Ch an ger is th e on ly oth er device on th e lin e,
it sh ou ld also be term in ated.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Appendix B
Troubleshooting Macintosh Driver Installation
Troublshooting Macintosh Driver Installation
If you have trouble using the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer after you have
installed the drivers, please check these points:
1. Check SCSI ID number
Remember, the SCSI ID number must be any number between 1 and 6 not already
being used by any other device currently on the SCSI chain. Do not use 0 or 7.
2. Check for INIT Conflicts
Make sure the Pioneer CD-ROM Changer is connected to the computer and
powered ON, with a magazine inserted and with discs placed in the magzine trays
label side down. If your system crashes on boot-up, or if the CLD Access icon
has an X through it at boot up, you most likely have an INIT conflict. Remove
all other INITs from the System Folder and reboot. Or, if you are running under
System 7.0 or above, disable all extensions, by using Extention Manager.
If the system fully boots with only the Pioneer Macintosh driver INITs loaded,
you know you have a conflict. Try loading the Pioneer drivers first. This can be
done by adding a period in front of the INIT names, since INITS load in
alphabetical order. If this does not allow a successful boot, you may have a
conflict that can only be resolved by not using some other INITs. Add INITs
back in one-by-one, rebooting after each to see which one may conflict with the
Pioneer Mac driver INITs. There are several utility programs on the market that
can help you manage INIT loading.
3. If you are installing new Pioneer-MAC drivers into a System
where older drivers were previously loaded
Please remove all old Pioneer-MAC drivers before installing new ones. While
most of the files will be overwritten, this may not always be the case. It is best to
remove the old drivers before installing the new ones.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Appendix C
DOS/WINDOWS Device Driver & MSCDEX File
Installation Overview for IBM-PC & Compatibles
Device Driver & MSCDEX File
The INSTALL program adds a line to the CONFIG. SYS File which tells the
system to load the device driver that is correct for the SCSI host adapter installed in
the computer and it adds or modifies a line in the computer’s AUTOEXEC.BAT file
to access MSCDEX (Microsoft CD Extensions).
Device Driver Loaded into CONFIG.SYS
The device driver line in the CONFIG.SYS indicates the Directory and PATH
where it is located, as well as the SCSI ID number of the CD-ROM Changer, and
it installs the CDP commands. The CONFIG.SYS File should look similar to this:
DEVICE = C:\DEV\DRD600.SYS /D:MSCD000 /N:6 /S:0 /C:CDP
The device driver allows communication to take place between a computer system
and a peripheral device. It is loaded when the system is booted. Pioneer supplies
the following three device drivers for use with several common SCSI host adapters:
1. DRD600.SYS
This device driver works with the Future Domain SCSI host adapters (TMC
and MCS series) and with the Pioneer DD-C5002 SCSI host adapter.
This device driver works with the IBM SCSI host adapters for PS/2s.
This device driver works with any ASPI compatible host adapter that supports
multiple LUNs (Logical Unit Numbers). Note: When using an ASPI compatible
host adapter, obtain the ASPI Manager file from the host adapter manufacturer or
distributor. Install the ASPI Manager before you run the Pioneer Driver
Installation Program.
During the QUICK INSTALLATION procedure, indicate the type of SCSI host adapter
installed in your computer: ASPI Compatible , DD-C5002, FUTURE DOMAIN, or
IBM. (The default is Future Domain). The INSTALL program then loads the proper
driver into the CONFIG.SYS file.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
DOS/WINDOWS Device Driver & MSCDEX File
Appendix C
NOTE: The /N: switch (indicating the number of discs to access within the
changer) and the /S:switch (indicating the SCSI ID of the changer) are
automatically determined by the Install Program, and will not usually appear in the
command line. They can be manually added, but if they are indicated in this line,
the /S: switch MUST match the SCSI ID on the back of the unit. The /N: switch
default is 6, but a number from 1 to 6 can be set. If /N:3 is indicated, only the first
three discs in the drive will be assigned drive letters and will be accessible.
NOTE: For information about daisy-chaining drives and about using the XDISC
utility, see Chapter 3, pages 13-15.
See page C-2 for a descriptions of the Device Driver Command Line Switches.
See page C-3 for a description of the MSCDEX Command Line Switches
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix C
DOS/WINDOWS Device Driver & MSCDEX File
Device Driver command line switches:
/ D:(device n am e)
/ D:MSCD000
Specifies th e device n am e of th e
CD-ROM device. Th is n am e MUST
agree with th e device n am e
declared in MSCDEX.
/ N:n 1[,n 2]
Specifies th e n u m ber of CD-ROM
discs th at are in th e m agazin e.
Th is is in stalled au tom atically with
Version 2.0 an d above of th e drivers.
You m ay n ot see th is switch in th e
device driver lin e .
/ N:6
/ C:(device n am e)
Specifies th e device n am e of th e
ch aracter device for CDP con trol
/ S:0
/ S:n 1[;h 1][,n 2[;h 2]] Specifies th e SCSI ID an d th e h ost
adapter n u m ber of th e DRM-600.
Th is m u st be th e sam e SCSI ID as
th e on e set by th e dip switch es.
Th is is in stalled au tom atically with
Version 2.0 an d above of th e drivers.
You m ay n ot see th is switch in th e
device driver lin e .
/ B or / E
Specifies wh eth er or n ot th e device
driver sh ou ld load in a look ah ead
bu ffer for prefetch .
/ B -> Con ven tion al Mem ory
/ E -> Expan ded Mem ory
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
DOS/WINDOWS Device Driver & MSCDEX File
Appendix C
Modifications to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
The INSTALL Program also modifies or creates an AUTOEXEC.BAT file to add
an instruction that tells DOS to invoke the MSCDEX.EXE file with its correct
parameters. This allows the system to communicate with the CD-ROM drive.
MSCDEX.EXE command line switches:
/ D:
(device n am e)
Specifies th e device n am e of th e
CD-ROM device. Th is n am e MUST
agree with th e device n am e declared
in DRD600.SYS
/ D:MSCD000
/ M:n
/ E
Specifies th e n u m ber of cach e
bu ffers for MSCDEX to allocate.
/ M:24
Tells MSCSDEX to u se EMS
(Expan ded) m em ory for th e cach e
bu ffers. If EMS is available, th is can
save lots of RAM.
/ L:
(drive letter)
Specifies for MSCDEX th e drive
letter to start assign in g th e CD-ROM
/ L:M
/ V
Provides m em ory u sage statistics
on h ow m u ch m em ory is u sed by
bu ffers, m em ory residen t code, an d
residen t data.
/ K
/ S
Tells MSCDEX to u se Kan ji file
stru ctu res if presen t.
Tells MSCDEX to patch DOS to
allow sh arin g of CD-ROM drives
on MS-NET based n etworks.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix D
(CDP) CD Player Commands
Using CDP Commands / CDP Command List
For Pioneer CD-ROM Changers
Sending CDP (CD Player) Commands from DOS:
At the DOS prompt, type the following:
C:\>ECHO 1KL>CDP <CR> (Carriage return or enter)
This will send a command to the CD-ROM Changer to put Key Lock ON, so that
the Magazine cannot be ejected. 0KL will turn Key Lock OFF. See complete list
of CDP Commands starting on page D-2. Any of the CDP Commands can be
used in place of the 1KL in the above set of instructions.
Use the Multi-Player Control Program (MPC) described in Chapter Three,
page 3-16 to send CDP commands to the CD-ROM Changer.
CDP (CD-Player ) Control Commands
Player Commands
Addressing Modes
Specifies Minutes, Seconds, and Frames.
Specifies pre-mastered indices
Specifies Minutes and Seconds (Frame 0)
Specifies the beginning of track TT
Player Modes
No disc is loaded. Magazine inserted.
The disc is loaded, but not spinning.
The drive is playing audio.
The disc is spinning, but audio play pauses.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
(CDP) CD Player Commands
Appendix D
The following lists the Command Mnemonics and an explanation for each:
Drive Action
Address Request Returns a 10-digit string (TTIIMMSSFF) representing Track
number, Index number, and P-code time for the current
address. In Park mode, the string is XXXXXXXXXX, at
lead-in 0000000000. At lead-out, the string is AA01000000.
Block Request
Returns a six digit string representing the current address in
MMSSFF format. In Park mode, XXXXXX is returned.
000000 is returned when the current address is in lead-in area.
Block Mode
Sets the addressing mode to Block mode. All subsequent
addresses must be in MMSSFF format.
Clears the buffer which stores the stop marker. Will also
cancel search mode or play modes.
Catalog Request Returns the disc’s 13 digit catalog number. If the disc does
not have a catalog number, or if no disc is loaded, the string
will be all “X”s.
Index Request
Returns a four digit string representing the track number and
index number. In Park mode, XXXX is returned. 0000 is
returned when the current address is in the lead-in area, and
AA01 when in the lead-out area.
Index Mode
Sets the addressing mode to Index mode. All subsequent
addresses will be interpreted as indices.
Disc Status
Returns an eight character string representing the attributes
of the currently loaded disc. (N1 - N8)
Disc Loaded
0: No
1: Yes
X: Unknown
X: Unknown
X: Unknown
X: Unknown
X: Unknown
Audio Track
Data Track
0: Not Present
0: Not Present
0: No
0: No
(All X)
1: Present
1: Present
1: Yes
1: Yes
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix D
(CDP) CD Player Commands
Drive Action
Key Lock
Enables or disables the front panel eject button. n = 0:
Enabled. n = 1: Disabled
Lead Out
Lead Out Adress
Scan Forward
Scan Reverse
Scans forward about 15 seconds; audio attenuated by 12 dB.
Scans backwards about 15 seconds; audio attenuated by 12dB.
Returns the 15 digit International Standard Recording Code
for the current track. (DRM-604X series only)
Mode Request
Returns three digit string representing player mode: P00 -
Home (No Magazine), P01 - Park Mode, P04 - Play Mode,
P06 - Pause Mode, P20 - Home Mode (Magazine Inserted)
Enters Pause mode at the current address.
Enters Play mode and begins audio play.
TOC Request
Returns TOC data as a 10 digit string (FFLLEEEEEE), where
FF represents the first track, LL represents the last track
number, and EEEEEE represents the lead-out address in
MMSSFF format.
TOC Request
Track Request
Returns TOC data for track n as an eight digit string
(EEEEEETT), where EEEEEE represents the absolute start
address of the track in MMSSFF format, and TT represents
the track type. 00 means audio, 04 means data.
Returns a two digit string representing the current track. In
Park mode, XX is returned. 00 is returned when the current
address is in the lead-in area, an AA when in lead-out.
Stops the disc and enters Park mode.
Starts disc rotation. The drive will pause at the beginning of
the first audio track.
Searches to address a and enters Pause mode.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
(CDP) CD Player Commands
Appendix D
Drive Action
Stop Marker
Sets a stop marker at address a. When the stop marker is
reached, the drive enters Pause mode. Stop markers are
cleared by CL and RJ commands.
Time Request
Returns a four digit string representing the current time in
MMSS format. In Park mode, XXXX is returned. 0000 is
returned when the current address is in the lead-in area.
Time Mode
Track Mode
Sets the addressing mode to Time mode. All subsequent
addresses must be in MMSS format.
Sets the addressing mode to Track Mode. All subsequent
addresses must be in TT format, specifying a track number.
Sets the audio playback level, from 0 to 255.
CDP Model
Disc Query
Returns the revision of the CDP ROM Example: “P150801”
Returns a three digit number representing the currently
loaded disc. If is no disc loaded, “XXX” is returned.
Eject Magazine
Disc Return
Disc Select
Ejects the magazine.
Unloads the currently loaded logical unit (tray).
Loads disc n (1-6). After the disc is loaded, the drive goes
into Park mode
See next page for a list of Error Messages.
Software Driver Installation Guide / Owner’s Manual
Appendix D
(CDP) CD Player Commands
Comand Error Messages
Return Error
The command completed successfully.
Communication Error Error in command, command too long
Feature not Available
Missing Argument
Disc not Present
Address Error
Unusable command, wrong mode, bad track
A required parameter was not supplied
No disc loaded, magazine not inserted
Search address not found
Focus Error
Focus lost (Hardware problem)
The spindle is not locking
Spindle Unlocked
Eject Received
Front panel Eject button pressed before the command
could finish execution.
Panic - Mechanical
A non-recoverable error has occurred in a mechanical
operation such as loading.
Can’t Eject Magazine
Can’t Load
Can’t Start
Drive was unable to spin-up the disc
A non-recoverable operational error has occurred.
To instruct the CD-ROM Changer to Load Disc 3 and start playing from 21m 34s
16bl, use this command string: 3ZSSABK213416SEPL<CR>.
Here is a fuller explanation of each command in the example above:
3ZS: Load Disc 3
SA: Start rotation
BK: Block Addressing Mode
213416SE: Search to 21 Minutes, 34 Seconds, 16 Blocks
PL: Begin Play.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
Appendix E
PIONEER LaserFacts System
Pioneer LaserFacts System
Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc., has placed a full library of technical
resource materials on a Pioneer LaserFacts System. This is a FAX retrieval
system that makes technical documents available 24-hours per day.
Please refer to the LaserFacts Directory of Documents to obtain the number of
the document you wish to order. You can obtain a Directory by calling the
LaserFacts line or by calling Ed-User CD-ROM Technic al Support. See
Appendix F for Pioneer Technical Resource Numbers.
To use the Pioneer LaserFacts System, follow these easy steps:
1.) Call: 1-201-327-9273 from your FAX phone.
When you call the Pioneer LaserFacts System from your FAX phone, your
documents will be FAXed to you immediately; you can request up to 3 documents
in one day.
2.) Respond to the system’s voice instructions.
Enter a five-digit Document Number from the Pioneer LaserFacts Document
Directory to indicate the document you wish to receive. If you do not have a
directory to identify a specific Document Number, follow the menu options and
have the directory FAXed to you. By responding to other menu options, you can
access some of the most frequently requested documents without entering a
document number.
3.) Hang up and wait for documents to be FAXed.
Your documents will be sent immediately when you call from your FAX phone.
Owner’s Manual / Software Driver Installation Guide
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