EN/LZT 108 4803 R1A
Mobile Phone
White Paper
Purpose Of This Document
The Ericsson T20e White Paper is designed to give the reader a deeper technical understanding
of how the T20e is designed, and of how it interacts with other media. This document will make
it easier to integrate the T20e with the IT and communications solutions of a company or orga-
People who can benefit from this document include:
Corporate buyers
IT Professionals
Software developers
Support engineers
Business decision-makers
The best place to find all the extras you need to support your phone and daily life is at the Eric-
tones, games, news, information, and a host of exciting links to other sites.
More information, useful for product, service and application developers, is published on the
to-date information about technologies, products and tools.
The T20e is a Dual Band phone with a lithium battery; a phone of modern design and advanced
It has a Wireless Application Protocol 1.1 (WAP 1.1) compliant browser, allowing fast and
reliable access to Internet services with security according to WTLS class 2. Both access
types, GSM Data and SMS, are supported.
The T20e supports Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS), an enhancement of the SMS stan-
dard. This makes it possible to include pictures and melodies in messages, and also to
receive and edit new pictures and melodies on the phone.
Mobile chat over SMS provides Internet-style chat functionality.
With the built-in Picture Editor and Melody Composer, users can create and editing their
own pictures and melodies on the phone.
Support for Swatch® Internet Time, a new global time concept, without time zones.
It supports SIM Application Toolkit (Online Services), which makes it possible for operators
to provide new services to existing users over the air, including new menus and functions in
the phone.
Profiles feature; groups of settings preset to suit certain environments, such as ”In Car”,
”Meeting”, ”Home”.
A full graphic display with an easy to navigate, user interface software.
Numbered shortcuts make it possible to prepare settings into a favourite menu which the
user can access quickly and easily.
The Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory) turns the T20e into a wireless
modem for data communication, Internet connection and fax from the user’s PC or PDA.
The RS-232 cable DRS-10 (optional accessory) can be used for connecting the T20e to a
A wide range of accessories compatible with the T20e are available from your local Erics-
son sales representative.
The typical WAP client is a small, portable device which is connected to a wireless network.
This includes mobile phones, pagers, smart phones, PDAs and other small devices. In these
devices, you have a limited user interface, low memory and computing power compared to
desktop and laptop computers. The WAP browser in the T20e is compliant with WAP 1.1
including security according to WTLS class 2. It is designed for WML and cannot read ordinary
HTML pages, but it is suitable for interaction with customer services, e. g. ticket reservation. It
is also handy when you want to access text-based information, such as timetables, share prices
and exchange rates and Internet banking and other interactive services.
Using WAP In The T20e
The built-in WAP browser gives the user portable, fast and secure access to a wide variety of
services, with the possibility of personalized services. WAP in the T20e offers new opportuni-
ties to companies and service providers:
Bearer types
The T20e accesses WAP over a standard GSM Data connection as well as
over SMS. (Network-dependent services.)
Bandwidth efficiency
Connection-less or connection-oriented WAP can be selected by the user.
Connection-oriented WAP provides browsing with a high reliability.
One of the key advantages WAP has over text-based HTML pages on
mobile devices, is the bandwidth efficiency for communication. This is
due partly to the fact that the WAP application is communicated to the
wireless devices in the form of binary encoded data.
Provide settings
Using SMS messages, configuration settings can be sent over the air,
OTA, so that the user does not need to configure the WAP access settings
Creating WAP services Creating a WAP service is no harder than creating an Intranet/Internet
service today since WML and WMLScript are based on well-known
Internet technology. New market segments can be addressed by launch-
ing innovative mobile Value Added Services.
Using standard tools
It is possible for the service creator to use standard tools like ASP or CGI
to generate content dynamically. You can utilize existing investments in
databases etc. that are the basis of existing Internet services. Create a ser-
vice once and make it accessible on a broad range of wireless networks.
Maintain customer base You can adapt existing Internet services to WAP. The actual binary
encoding can be handled by the WAP Gateway which makes it possible
to create WAP applications using the text-based language WML and
other tools. In fact, existing HTML-based applications on the Internet can
be viewed in the WAP browser, if an automatic conversion is performed
in the WAP Gateway.
Improve productivity
Improve and simplify the communication flow within an organization by
making information available to mobile users. A company or organiza-
tion can use a WAP gateway to provide a secure connection to the com-
pany network for their users.
The WAP profiles
The T20e holds several WAP profiles, each with a group of network set-
tings and a home page. If you provide a corporate WAP service on your
Intranet, it is useful to enter an Intranet WAP profile in user phones. The
WAP profile holds network settings and user identification. The users
switch easily between the corporate services and WAP services on the
Internet, simply by switching WAP profile.
Bearer Type Characteristics
The phone accesses WAP services over SMS or IP, where IP is provided over GSM Data. Typi-
cal differences which distinguish the bearer types are listed below this diagram.
GSM Data Access
Circuit connection of data call means that the phone is connected during the WAP session.
Connection-oriented WAP (user option) uses error recovery services to provide high reliabil-
Comparably higher transmission speed than with SMS access.
Pricing of GSM Data access can be compared to pricing of data calls in the network.
GSM Data is suitable for Complex Pull services, Browsing and Data transfer.
GSM Data is not suitable for Provisioning, Pager service.
SMS Access
SMS point-to-point is used and not SMS Cell Broadcast.
The connection is maintained by the automatic exchange of ”messages” between the phone
and the SMS Service Center.
Comparably lower transmission speed than with GSM Data access.
Pricing of SMS access can be compared to pricing of the normal SMS in the network.
SMS is suitable for Messaging services, Info services, Provisioning.
SMS is not suitable for Browsing or Data transfer.
Gateway Characteristics
The WAP Gateway provides services in the company’s Intranet, a banking or stock trading ser-
vice on the Internet, or access to other WAP applications on web addresses anywhere on the
Internet. A Gateway is identified by an IP number or by a phone number, depending on access
Connection-oriented And Connection-less WAP
The T20e supports both connection-less and connection-oriented WAP over GSM Data. The
user can select which method to use. In general, connection-oriented means that the connection
between the WAP browser in the phone and the WAP Gateway is maintained in a session with
error recovery services. This gives a high reliability with a reduced risk of errors in the transmis-
sion, and improves efficiency in WAP browsing.
Security Using WAP
The T20e is based on the WAP 1.1 specifications where security functionality is specified with a
technology called Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS).
The WAP protocols that handle the connection, its transport and its security are structured in
protocol layers. The security is handled by the WTLS layer operating above the transport proto-
col layer. The WTLS layer is modular and there are WTLS classes that indicate which security
level is supported by the application.
WTLS class 1 specifies an encoding of the information.
WTLS class 2 includes class 1 and in addition a server authentication, where server certifi-
cates are needed in the phone (access lock).
WTLS class 3 includes class 2 and in addition a client certification, where client certificates
are needed for the user (signature lock).
The T20e supports WTLS class 2, and it is equipped with a number of certificates. An access
lock is needed when accessing certain WAP sites. The user is asked to enter it before a secure
WAP connection is established.
Over-The-Air Provisioning Of WAP Settings
To simplify configuring WAP settings in a number of phones, all settings can be sent as an SMS
message to each phone. This makes it easy for an operator, a service provider or a company to
distribute settings for Internet/Intranet, and WAP, without having to configure each phone man-
ually. This also makes it easy to upgrade the services provided to the users, without the need for
users to perform any manual configuration.
The OTA configuration message is distributed via SMS point-to-point
The setup information is a binary encoded XML message, according to WBXML. To
receive information about OTA specifications, please contact your local Ericsson representa-
tive for consumer products. A configurator that utilizes OTA provisioning can be tested on
the Ericsson Mobile Internet
The user is not alerted about new settings until the ongoing browsing session ends. Further-
more, settings are not changed during an ongoing browsing session
The necessary user interaction is limited to receiving and accepting/rejecting the configura-
tion message, and selecting which WAP profile to allocate the settings to
Security can be handled using a keyword identifier displayed on the screen as a shared secret
between the SMS sender and the receiver. It is important that the user has a way to verify
that the configuration message is authentic
Configuration Of WAP Settings
To perform the WAP configuration of a single phone it is suggested to use the step-by-step WAP
configurator provided on the Ericsson Mobile Internet. The configurator utilizes OTA provi-
settings can also be customized by the operator.
A manual configuration is made using the menu system in the phone. This is described in the
User’s Guide.
The T20e is capable of sending and receiving SMS messages, linked messages and it supports
Enhanced Messaging Services (EMS). Also, mobile chat over SMS is supported.
With the Short Message Service, a user can send text messages containing up to 160 charac-
ters to and from GSM mobile stations (up to 70 characters using Chinese text)
With the linked SMS, the user can link several SMS messages together to create a longer
message (network-dependent service)
With EMS, the T20e lets the user insert pictures and melodies, or ring tones, in outgoing
messages. Also, the phone will display pictures and play melodies included in incoming
messages (network-dependent service)
The T20e makes it possible to chat with a second party using SMS. The chat is a series of
short messages and corresponding replies between the two parties, similar to chat services
provided on the Internet.
The T20e also lets you save often-used text messages as templates. You can save up to ten tem-
plates consisting of up to twenty-five characters each in the phone's memory. The T20e also fea-
tures an SMS counter allowing you to keep track of SMS messages that you have sent.
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS)
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) is a powerful enhancement of the SMS standard specified
by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It is supported by the major network opera-
tors and mobile phone manufacturers. With it, mobile phone users can add life to SMS text mes-
saging in the form of pictures and melodies. This gives the users new ways to express feelings,
moods and personality in SMS messages.
Add life to messages to and from the T20e by inserting melodies.
Users can express feelings and personality by inserting pictures in messages.
As well as messaging, users will enjoy collecting and swapping pictures and ring signals and
other melodies, downloading them from the Internet or editing them directly on the phone. See
In the T20e, there are more than 30 permanently stored pictures that express different moods
and situations. The pictures are grouped by eight different themes to make them easy to find. In
addition, the T20e has another 30 empty positions where the user can save pictures that have
Examples of pictures that can be pre-installed in the T20e
For easy access, the user can save shortcuts to pre-installed or edited pictures in My Favourites,
see the User’s Guide.
Melodies received in incoming messages and composed by the user on the phone’s keypad can
be stored in My Melodies. These are easily inserted in outgoing messages, see the User’s Guide.
The built-in tool for editing and creating melodies on the phone’s keypad is the Melody Com-
Picture Editor
The user can edit pictures and symbols directly on the phone, to create new, personal pictures
for inclusion in EMS messages. The Picture Editor allows the user to view the picture in the dis-
play and to edit it with the pen tool.
The available tools include:
Set line thickness
Zoom in, zoom out
Change picture width and height
Select black or white pen
The T20e has a set of predefined pictures for use with EMS, which also can be edited. New pic-
tures can be received with EMS messages and saved in the phone. See the User’s Guide for a
description of this function.
Mobile Chat Via SMS
The T20e makes it possible to chat with a second party using SMS. The chat is a series of short
messages and corresponding replies between the two parties, similar to chat services provided
on the Internet. This allows the user to review the conversation history in the display, and also to
reply to messages by using a few commands. This makes the chat session quicker than using the
current SMS feature.
Nicknames can be used to help identify the user in the chat.
Suspend chat session and resume. A user can temporarily leave a chat session, for example
to use the calculator, or play a game, and then resume the chat session.
Automatic start-up of chat session from other Ericsson phones
Incoming and outgoing messages are identified with special icons in the display, and with
the sender's nickname.
If the user is inactive for one hour the phone will ask if the user wants to continue the chat
The chat session can be saved as a history, for later review.
The Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory) turns the T20e into a wireless
modem using AT commands. This provides data and e-mail communication, as well as Internet/
Intranet access, for a connected PC, PDA or handheld device.
In the T20e, AT commands are used both for:
controlling the data communication between the PC and the remote service. This requires
the Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory).
configuring and requesting settings and behaviours in the phone, from a connected PC or
PDA. This requires the Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory), or the
RS-232 cable DRS-10 (optional accessory).
Infrared Modem
When the Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory) is connected, the T20e con-
nects using infrared to a PC, a PDA, a laptop PC or another phone or mobile device. Infrared
communication creates a data link between two communications devices through an infrared
beam of light. Key benefits using T20e with the infrared modem:
True wireless communication
Low power consumption
Secure data transmission with the IrDA DATA standard
Send and receive e-mail and data on the connected PC/PDA
Connect to the Internet or Intranet/LAN from the connected PC/PDA
By using Mobile Office DI 28, you can also manage the phone book, send SMS and personalize
the start-up and shut-down shows.
Please refer to further information about the Ericsson Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem,
Cable Connection
The RS-232 cable DRS-10 (optional accessory) makes it possible to connect the T20e to a PC or
PDA. This provides access to configuration settings in the phone. Also, you can personalize the
start-up and shut-down shows.
Please refer to further information about the RS-232 cable DRS-10, available at
In-phone Functions And Features
Melody Composer
The T20e has a built-in Melody Composer, where the user can edit and create up to 8 melodies
by using the phone’s keypad. Each melody can consist of up to 80 notes over 3 octaves. A note
(or a rest) can be set in one of four durations. All this gives a great flexibility in creating per-
sonal ring tones and melodies for the user.
The profile feature; group of settings preset to suit a certain environment. The profiles are also
related to intelligent accessories such as a desktop charger, a portable or vehicle handsfree; use-
ful for company integration with call forwarding etc.
The easiest way to set up the profiles in one or several phones, is by using the Ericsson Phone
Settings program, included in the Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory).
Internet Time
Swatch® Internet Time represents a new global time concept, without time zones. The time is
the same all over the world. The 24 hours of the day are divided into 1,000 “beats”. 1 beat is 1
minute 26.4 seconds. Internet Time is identified by @ plus three digits, ranging from @000 to
@999. The Internet Day starts at midnight (wintertime) in Bienne, Switzerland, the home of
Swatch (this means that Internet Time is equal to GMT +1). Internet Time was invented by
Swatch Ltd.
Internet Time can be switched on or off in the T20e. Conversion between local time and Internet
Time is also supported.
Voice Answering And Dialling
The T20e supports voice answering and dialling, which makes it possible to interact with the
phone using spoken commands. This is useful for handsfree use of the telephone. The functions
Voice dial - call someone by saying the name and number type, e.g “John, home”
Answer and reject calls with your voice when using a handsfree kit
Phone Book
In a company or an organization, you may need to deploy several phones with a common set of
phone book entries. This is done in one of the following ways:
Use the Ericsson Phone Book and SMS Manager on your PC to prepare the common phone
book entries. Then send the phone book entries from the PC to each and every phone. See
the User’s Guide.
Prepare the phone book on one SIM card in one phone. Copy the contents from this SIM
card to the phone’s memory, then put each one of all the other SIM cards into the phone and
copy the contents of the phone’s memory to them. See the User’s Guide.
Start-up And Shut-down Shows
The T20e has built-in start-up and shut-down shows that feature a short animation with a mel-
ody. It is possible to create your own shows with a personal picture and melody. This option is
called “My Animation”, and it can be managed in two ways:
Use the Mobile Office DI 28 infrared modem (optional accessory). The Phone Settings soft-
ware includes a function that lets the user change the start-up and shut-down animation and
install it on the T20e.
Connect the phone to a PC using the RS-232 cable DRS-10 (optional accessory). The neces-
sary program “My Animation” for personalizing the start-up and shut-down shows can be
More In-phone Functions And Features
Alphabet input (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek and Hebrew)
Active Flip answering
Automatic retry
Background light
Chinese text input (Stroke, Pinyin and Bopomofo)
Ericsson ring signal logotype
External Antenna Connector
Full graphic display 3 rows of text
Helptexts and shortcuts
Language selection
Last dialled numbers
Last received number redial
Menu shortcuts
Missed calls list
Personal ring types
Picture Editor
Progress animation
Received calls list
Ring signal composition
Screen saver
Speed dialling
Status view
Vibrating alert
WAP browser and services
Network-Dependent Features
Fixed Dialling And Restricted Calls
For a company or an organization, it can be useful to restrict phone calls. Fixed Dialling allows
you to preset a number of digits, for example area codes. This restricts the user to making calls
only to numbers which use the preset digits as leading digits. Fixed Dialling makes use of the
PIN2, and it requires fixed dial fields on the SIM Card. Check with your Operator about this
Restricted calls allows you to block outgoing or incoming calls in certain situations, for exam-
ple international calls.
More Network-dependent Features
Advice of Charge Charging
Advice of Charge Information
Automatic time zone
Call barring
Call forwarding
Call hold
Call screening
Call transfer
Call wait
Calling Line Identification CLI
Closed User Groups
Conference calls
EFR Enhanced Full Rate Speech Coding
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS)
FR Full Rate Speech Coding
GSM 900/1800 Dual band
GSM phase 2+
HR half rate speech coding
Home zone indication
International roaming
Mobile chat via SMS
Phone book on SIM
SIM Application Toolkit
SMS, concatenated SMS
Two line service / Alternate Line Service (ALS)
Voice mail
WAP 1.1
WTLS class 2
The SIM Application Toolkit (SIM AT) is a smartcard-centric method of deploying programs
that apply only to GSM and to SMS and USSD transports. Programs must be distributed on
smartcards. WAP is an Internet-centric method of deploying programs that is independent of
network technology. Programs and content are kept centrally on web servers and downloaded as
required. While there is some overlap, WAP is a particularly good choice when deploying pro-
grams that also have an HTML version for desktop use. Work is currently underway on building
interfaces between the two technologies.
For an operator, a company or service provider, SIM AT offers a powerful way to deploy pro-
grams and services to users, without the need for new or upgraded equipment. All necessary
setup and programming is distributed to the users over the air, directly to their phones. In the
T20e, a separate menu is available for functions residing on the SIM card. These can include
submenus for controlling functions, and also functions which allow the phone to initiate calls,
send data, and display information for the user.
SIM AT Services Supported By The T20e
in T20e
bit 1:
bit 8:
0 = normal priority
1 = high priority
0 = clear message after a delay
1 = wait for user to clear message
General: The GET_INKEY requires that the
user press “Yes” to confirm his/her choice
bit 1:
bit 2:
bit 3:
0 = digits (0-9, *, # and +) only
1 = alphabet set
0 = SMS default alphabet
1 = UCS2 alphabet
0 = character sets defined by bit 1
and bit 2 are enabled.
1 = character sets defined by bit 1
bit 2 are disabled and the “Yes/No”
response is requested.
in T20e
General: No of hidden input characters.
bit 1:
bit 2:
bit 3:
0 = digits (0-9, *, # and +) only
1 = alphabet set
0 = SMS default alphabet
1 = UCS2 alphabet
0 = ME may echo user input on the
1 = user input not to be revealed in
any way (see note)
bit 4:
bit 8:
0 = user input to be in unpacked
1 = user input to be in SMS packed
0 = no help information available
1 = help information available
PROVIDE LOCAL INFOR- '00' = Location Information (MCC, MNC,
LAC and Cell Identity)
'01' = IMEI of the ME
'02' = Network Measurement results
'03' = Date, time and time zone
General: The reset option requests the user to
turn off and turn on the mobile.
'00' =SIM Initialization and Full File Change
'01' = File Change Notification;
'02' = SIM Initialization and File Change Noti- Yes
'03' = SIM Initialization;
'04' = SIM Reset;
bit 1:
0 = packing not required
1 = SMS packing by the ME required
in T20e
General: Capability configuration
Setup speech call CallParty
DTMF support
'00' = set up call, but only if not currently busy Yes
on another call;
'01' = set up call, but only if not currently busy Yes
on another call, with redial;
'02' = set up call, putting all other calls (if any) Yes
on hold;
'03' = set up call, putting all other calls (if any) Yes
on hold, with redial;
'04' = set up call, disconnecting all other calls
(if any);
'05' = set up call, disconnecting all other calls
(if any), with redial;
User Interaction With SIM AT
A text string of up to 160 characters (80 UCS coded) is supported.
Text clearing times 10-20 seconds. 60-second timeout limit for the user to clear the text.
‘Key’ responses
‘Long NO’ – Proactive session terminated by user.
‘NO’ – Backward move in proactive session.
Any other key clears display if the command is performed success-
‘Key’ responses
Prompt for a one character input. Pressing ‘YES’ without entering a
character gives warning message “Minimum 1 character”.
‘CLR’ clears current character.
‘Long NO’ terminates the proactive session.
‘NO’ – Backward move in proactive session.
‘YES’ – Command performed successfully.
Prompt for character input. Pressing ‘YES’ without entering a charac-
ter gives warning message “Minimum ‘no’characters”. The phone will
refuse to accept further input when maximum response length is
MMI Maximum Response lengths
Digits Only – xx characters
SMS default alphabet characters – 160 characters
Hidden Characters (Digits Only) – 20 characters
‘CLR’ clears current character/characters.
‘Long No’ terminates the proactive session
‘NO’ – Backward move in proactive session
‘YES’ – Command performed successfully
‘Key’ responses
A requirement to turn the phone off and then on again can be sent to
the user with the text ‘Operator has updated your SIM! Restart phone
to update!’.
‘Key’ responses
Scroll to highlight item for selection. The maximum number of items
supported by the phone within one Select Item command, is 30.
Down arrow – Scroll down list
Up arrow – Scroll up list
Long No’ terminates proactive session
‘NO’ – Backward move in proactive session
‘YES’ – Command performed successfully
SEND SHORT MESS. Default message “Sending message Please wait” can be replaced for
the Alpha Identifier text, or suppressed completely if a null text is pro-
vided. Responses are “MESSAGE FAILED” or MESSAGE SENT”.
‘Key’ responses
‘Long No’ or ‘NO’ terminates the proactive session
If the ME is on a call when the command 'Set up Call, putting all other
calls on hold' is sent, the user will see the text 'Setting up a call current
call will be held'. If the 'YES' key is pressed the current call will be put
on hold and the new call set up. If the ME is on a call when the com-
mand ‘Set Up Call, disconnecting all other calls’ is sent, the user will
see the text ‘Setting up a call current call will be disconnected’. If the
‘YES’ key is pressed the current call will be disconnected and the new
call set up.
Incorporates a SIM Application Toolkit Menu Item into the ME’s main
menu structure. From the standby display the right or left arrow but-
tons can be pressed to select the Menu Items. (Note: The SIM AT menu
option is found in the ‘Extras’ menu.)
If an Alpha Identifier is supplied in the Set Up Menu command this is
used as the SIM AT entry in the ME’s main menu. If no alpha identifier
is supplied and only one item provided, then this item is used as
header. If no alpha identifier is supplied and several items are found in
the menu, a default title is used. If the SIM AT Menu Item is selected
using the ‘YES’ key all the items sent in the Set Up Menu command
will be available for selection, in the same way as the Select Item com-
mand. A limit of 30 menu items has been set within this command.
Down arrow – Scroll down list
‘Key’ responses
Up arrow – Scroll up list
Side key: Scrolls the menu
‘YES’ – Envelope (Menu Selection)
3rd Generation Partnership Project.
Application Programming Interface.
The method for accessing WAP from the phone, for example GSM
Data (CSD) and SMS.
A URL and header/title stored in the phone.
Browsing session
From the first access of content until the termination of the connection.
Calling Line
Identification (CLI)
Shows the number of the person calling you in your mobile phone dis-
play. You can then make an informed choice as to whether or not to
take the call. Bear in mind that not all numbers can be displayed. To
use this service, it must be supported by your network.
A single WML unit of navigation and user interface. May contain informa-
tion to present to the user, instructions for gathering user input, etc.
Common Gateway Interface.
Circuit Switched.
Circuit Switched Data.
A collection of WML cards.
DTMF or Touch Tone Dual Tone Multi-Frequency signal – codes sent as tone signals. Used
for telephone banking, accessing an answering machine, etc.
Extended GSM, e-GSM, are new frequencies specified by the Euro-
pean Radio communications Committee (ERC) for GSM use when
additional spectrum is needed (Network-dependent). It allows opera-
tors to transmit and receive just outside GSM’s core 900 frequency
band. This extension gives increased network capability, which favours
both the user and the operators.
Enhanced Full Rate, speech coding.
Enhanced Messaging Service, an enhancement of the SMS standard.
This makes it possible to include pictures, melodies, sounds and ani-
mations in messages, and also to receive and edit new pictures and
melodies on the phone.
European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
Full Rate, speech coding.
A WAP Gateway typically includes the following functions:
- A Protocol Gateway – the protocol gateway translates requests from
the WAP protocol stack to the WWW protocol stack (HTTP and TCP/
- Content Encoders and Decoders – the content encoders translate Web
content into compact encoded formats to reduce the size and number of
packets traveling over the wireless data network.
Graphics Interchange Format.
Global System for Mobile Communications. GSM is the world’s most
widely-used digital mobile phone system, now operating in over 100
countries around the world, particularly in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
GSM 900
The GSM systems family includes GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM
1900. There are different phases of roll-out for the GSM system and
GSM phones are either phase 1 or phase 2 compliant.
GSM 1800
Also known as DCS 1800 or PCN, this is a digital network working on
a frequency of 1800 MHz. It is used in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
Handheld Device Markup Language.
Handheld Device Transport Protocol.
Half Rate, speech coding.
HyperText Markup Language.
HyperText Transfer Protocol.
WBMP or GIF image contained in a Card.
The iMelody format, specified by IrDA, is a minimal set of tones that
can be used in EMS applications to transfer melodies, such as ring
tones, between devices.
Infrared Data Association.
Internet Service Provider.
Intelligent Terminal Transfer Protocol.
Local Area Network.
Mobile Equipment.
Micro browser
Accesses and displays the Internet contents in your mobile phone, just
as an ordinary browser does in your computer. The micro browser uses
small file sizes and the bandwidth of the wireless-handheld network.
Man-machine interface.
Over-the Air Configuration. To provide settings for the phone by way
of sending a message, SMS, over the network to the phone. This
reduces the need for the user to configure the phone manually.
Personal Digital Assistant.
Phone book
A memory in your mobile phone or SIM card where phone numbers
can be stored and accessed by name or position.
Personal Information Management.
Service Provider
A company that provides services and subscriptions to mobile phone
SIM card
Subscriber Identity Module card – a card that must be inserted in any
GSM-based mobile phone. It contains subscriber details, security
information and memory for a personal directory of numbers. The card
can be a small plug-in type or credit card-sized but both types have the
same functions. Your phone uses the small plug-in card.
Short Message Service. Allows messages of up to 160 characters to be
sent and received via the network operator's message centre to your
mobile phone. Messages are stored if the phone is off or out of reach
ensuring that they reach you. To use this service, it must be supported
by your network.
Supplementary Services.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
Terminal Equipment.
Transport Layer Security.
Uniform Resource Locator.
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data.
Voice Activated Dialling.
Value Added Service.
Wireless Application Environment.
Wide Area Network.
Wireless Application Protocol. Handheld devices, low bandwidth,
binary coded, a deck/card metaphor to specify a service. A card is typi-
cally a unit of interaction with the user, that is, either presentation of
information or request for information from the user. A collection of
cards is called a deck, which usually constitutes a service.
WAP Application
A collection of WML cards, with the new context attribute set in the
entry card.
WAP service
A WML application residing on a web site.
WAP Bitmap.
Wireless Datagram Protocol.
Wireless Markup Language. A markup language used for authoring
services, fulfilling the same purpose as HyperText Markup Language
(HTML) does on the World Wide Web (WWW). In contrast to HTML,
WML is designed to fit small handheld devices.
WMLScript can be used to enhance the functionality of a service, just
as for example JavaScript may be utilized in HTML. It makes it possi-
ble to add procedural logic and computational functions to WAP-based
services, for example.
Wireless Session Protocol.
Wireless Transport Layer Security.
World Wide Web.
Extensible Markup Language.
The T20e User’s Guide
Mobile Phones R520, T20, A2628 Developers' Guidelines WAP Services
WAP 1.1 Specification
EMS specifications are found in “Technical Specification 3GPP; Technical realization of the
Short Message Service (SMS)” (3G TS 23.040 V4.0.0 (2000-07))
iMelody specifications are found in “Infrared Data Association; Specifications for Ir Mobile
Communications (IrMC); iMelody (October 2000)” (Note that only a subset of this stan-
dard is supported)
Enhanced Messaging Service White Paper
Developers’ Guidelines for EMS
updates on Ericsson products and technologies; check frequently!
Trademarks And Acknowledgements
W@ P™ and WAP Forum™ are registered trademarks of the WAP Forum, LTD., a registered
company in the United Kingdom.
Internet Time was invented by Swatch Ltd. Swatch is a registered trademark of Swatch Ltd.
The consumer pack includes
1 Mobile Phone T20e
1 Standard Battery BST 13 (1150 mAh)
1 Standard Charger CST-10
1 Carrying strap
1 Ericsson service and support leaflet
1 User’s Guide
1 Battery leaflet
1 Accessory leaflet
Product name
GSM phase 2 recommendations. GSM 900 (CTR 19 and CTR 20) and
GSM 1800 (CTR 31 and CTR 32), e-GSM supported
HR, FR, EFR supported where available, for high speech quality
Speech coding
card 3V
Type number, T20e 1101 401-BV
Type number, T20ec 1101 401-CN
Exterior Description
101 x 54 x 28 mm
with kit battery approx. 128g
Display size
Graphic display
Text rows
Colours *
101 pixels wide, 33 pixels high
black and white
up to 3 rows of text
Silver Weave, Lime Twist, Blue Whirl, Beige Harmony, Purple Wild
17 keys and a slider on the side
Ambient Temperatures
Max: +55°C, Min -10°C
Max: +70°C, Min -40°C
Max: +35°C, Min 0°C
Supported Man-Machine Interface (MMI) languages
Depending on software in the phone, these languages are supported:
Arabic (AR), Bulgarian (BG), Czech (CS), Chinese traditional (ZH), Chinese simplified (ZS),
Chinese Taiwan (ZT), Croatian (HR), Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), English (EN), Estonian (ET),
Farsi (FA)*, Finnish (FI), French (FR), German (DE), Greek (EL), Hebrew (IW), Hindi (HI)*,
Hungarian (HU), Indonesian-Bahasar (IN), Italian (IT), Latin American Spanish (XL), Latvian
(LV), Lithuanian (LT), Malay (MS), Norwegian (NO), Philippine-Tagalog (TL), Polish (PL),
Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Serbian (SR), Slovakian (SK), Slovenian
(SL), Sotho (ST), Spanish (ES), Swedish (SV), Thai (TH), Turkish (TR),
Zulu (ZU), Vietnamese (VI)
*) Some colours and languages may not be available at launch.
Performance And Technical Characteristics
GSM 900/E-GSM 900
GSM 1800
Frequency range
TX: 880 – 914 MHz
RX: 925 – 959 MHz
TX: 1710 – 1785
RX: 1805 – 1880
Channel spacing
Number of channels
200 kHz
200 kHz
174 Carriers *8 (TDMA)
374 Carriers *8 (TDMA)
TX Phase Accuracy
Duplex spacing
< 5º RMS Phase error (burst) < 5º RMS Phase error (burst)
45 MHz
95 MHz
Frequency stability
+/- 5 ppm (downlink RX)
+/- 175 Hz (downlink RX)
3.0 Volts
Voltage operation (nominal) 3.0 Volts
Transmitter RF power out-
33 dBm Class 4 (2W peak)
30 dBm Class 1 (1W peak)
Transmitter Output imped-
50 Ω
50 Ω
Transmitter Spurious emis-
< -36 dBm up to 1 GHz
< -30 dBm over 1 GHz
(according to GSM spec.)
< - 30 dBm
(according to GSM spec.)
Receiver RF level
Better than – 102 dBm
< 2%
-100 dBm
Receiver RX Bit error rate
< 2.43%
*) No DTX activated
Current Consumptions, Talk And Standby Times
GSM 900
GSM 1800
Transmission current
110 mA (min)
250 mA (max)
120 mA (min)
240 mA (max)
Standby current
6 mA (min), (paging rate 9,
1 neighbour present)
6 mA (min), (paging rate 9,
1 neighbour present)
9 mA (max), (paging rate 2,
16 neighbours present)
9.5 mA (max), (paging rate
2, 15 neighbours present)
Talk time
4 to 10 hours
4 to 10 hours
Standby time
120 to 200 hours
(up to 8 days)
120 to 200 hourss
(up to 8 days)
Speech Coding
Full rate
13.0 Kbp/s
20 ms
Enhanced full rate
Bit rate
12.2 Kbp/s
20 ms
Frame duration
Block length
Class 1 bits
Class 2 bits
260 bits
244 bits
182 bits
78 bits
WAP Browser Technical Data
Support in the T20e WAP browser
WAP 1.1. Server applications may request Basic Authentica-
tion. Gateway may request Authentication during connection
Back to previous page
Bearer type GSMData (IP)
Bearer type SMS
Yes, ISDN and analog
Yes (point-to-point)
Yes, up to 25 named bookmarks for easy access to frequently
visited pages
Character sets *
UTF8 (Default), USAASCII, Latin1, UCS2
1 bit (b/w)
Home page
Yes, up to 5 different, one for each WAP profile
Yes, highlighted by inverse video
Yes, indicated by a frame
Hyperlinks in Text
Hyperlinks in Images
Image Animation
Image Formats
GIF (interlaced and non-interlaced), WBMP, no transparent
Network Settings
Up to 5 different settings available by selecting WAP profile
(Intranet, Internet, Banking, Gateway etc)
OTA Support
PPP Authentication
Reload page
WAP 1.1 compliant, WMLScript
Layers implemented: WAE, WSP, WDP
WAP profiles
5 WAP profiles, each with its own settings
WTLS class 1 - Encoding
WTLS (security)
WTLS class 2 - Encoding + Server Authentication. Root
Certificates predefined in phone: Certicom, Verisign, Ensign
(Entrust), Baltimore. More certificates will be supported in
future revisions.
*) When creating WML applications, it is recommended always to save the page contents as
UTF8, and that this is clearly indicated in the pages before publishing. This ensures that the
contents of the application can be viewed, regardless of character sets used in gateways and the
phone. All characters are not supported in all phones. The software version depends on which
market the phone is associated to. Also, please note that the phone may not support input on a
WAP Service which uses certain characters (MMI languages), even if those characters are sup-
ported for browsing in the phone.
Enhanced Messaging Service Technical Data
EMS Feature
Support in T20e
Concatenation (linked SMS) Yes, 3 parts, each message up to 128 bytes of data
iMelody format support
Note range:
From octave 3 note c to octave 5 note b
(Notes out of range are discarded)
iMelody notation
Example in Mel-
ody Composer
150 ms
225 ms
300 ms
450 ms
# #
Flat note:
Yes, &
Yes, #
Yes, r
Sharp note:
No, (S)
No, (V+, V-)
Volume modifi-
No, (V)
Duration Speci-
No, (. : ;)
Include melody in message
Include picture in message
Melody composer
Yes, according to iMelody v1.0 format
Yes, up to 8 user defined melodies and ring tones in My Mel-
odies, each melody up to 80 notes long. Four note durations
Picture editor
Yes, edit My Pictures in display using black or white pen,
line thickness, zoom in, zoom out, picture size.
Picture, pre-defined sizes
Originated on phone (WxH in pixels):
Received to phone (WxH in pixels):
16x16, 32x32
Small: 16x16,
Large: 32x32
EMS Feature
Support in T20e
Picture, variable sizes
Originated on phone (WxH in pixels):
8x8, 8x16, 8x32,
16x16, 16x32,
Received to
Width in pixels:
(Pictures wider
than display are
In multiples of 8
pixels up to the
screen width (i.e.
8, 16, 24, 32, 40,
48, 56, 64, 72, 80,
88, 96)
Height in pixels:
from 1 to 1024.
Note: The total product of Width and Height must never
exceed 128 bytes.
Play melody on focus
Pre-defined pictures
Text templates
Yes, grouped by themes
3GPP 11
Abbreviations 22
Acknowledgement 25
Bearer type characteristics 8
Chat 13
Configuration of WAP 10
Connection-less WAP 9
Connection-oriented WAP 9
Connectivity 14
Documents 25
Edit pictures 12
EMS 11
Enhanced Messaging Service 11
Enhanced Messaging Service Technical Data 30
Fixed Dialling 17
Functions and features 15
Gateway 9
GSM Data access characteristics 8
GSM system support 26
Internet time 15
Languages, MMI 26
Links 25
Melodies 12
Melody 11
Melody composer 15
Mobile chat 13
My Animation 16
Online Services 18
Over the Air provisioning 10
Phone book 15
Pictures 12
Preface 5
Product description 6
Profiles 15
Purpose of this document 5
Related information 25
Restricted Calls 17
Ring tones 11
Security using WAP 9
Shut-down show 16
SIM Application Toolkit 18
SIM card type 26
SMS 11
SMS access characteristics 8
Standby time 28
Start-up show 16
Supported MMI languages 26
Talk time 28
Technical specifications 26
Terminology and abbreviations 22
Trademarks and acknowledgements 25
User interaction with SIM AT 20
Using WAP in Ericsson T20e 7
WAP configuration using PC 10
WAP in Ericsson T20e 7
WAP services 7
Weight 26
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