ProfeSSional Table ToP CD MiXer
User Manual
1. introducton ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Welcome to the SMX.311! ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Quick Setup Diagram ................................................................................................................................................... 2
3. SMX.311 Descripton ................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Top Panel ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.2. Rear Panel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Front Panel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. Troubleshootng .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
registraton Card ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Stanton Warranty ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Specificatons ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Welcome to the SMX.311!
Thank you for purchasing the SMX.311.
Before startng, please check that you have received the following items:
SMX.311 unit
AC Adaptor
User Manual
Now that you have checked that everything was included in the box, let’s talk about the SMX.311.
The SMX.311 is a compact 3-channel mixer that offers high-end performance at a low cost. With features like balanced outputs,
booth out, replaceable crossfader, and microphone talkover, the SMX.311 is ready for duty in the club, studio, or mobile gig.
In additon, the SMX.311’s functonality is wrapped in a rugged, all metal inner chassis enclosure with a striking black and gray color
Let’s summarize the main SMX.311 features:
Individual Low, Mid, High
Master, Booth Outs
3 Line, 3 Phono, 1 Microphone input
Balance L + R Volume Control
20 Segment Bright LEDs
Grounding terminal
Ok, now that we’ve covered the SMX.311 basics, let’s get started!
Quick Setup Diagram
Quick Setup Diagram
Review this setup diagram. (Figure 2.1) Make sure all faders are at "zero" and all devices are OFF. First, connect all input sources
and processors. Next, connect your microphone and monitor headphones. Finally, connect the stereo outputs to the power
amplifier(s) and/or audio receivers such as tape decks. Plug your mixer into AC power. Now you are ready to switch everything ON.
important: Always switch ON your audio input sources such as turntables or CD players first, then your mixer, and finally any
amplifiers. When turning OFF, always reverse this operaton by turning off amplifiers, then your mixer, and then input devices.
Figure 2.1
SMX.311 Descripton Top Panel)
SMX.311 Descripton
Top Panel (Figure 3.1)
Figure 3.1
SMX.311 Descripton (Top Panel)
1. Mic on/off/TalK Switch: Turns the Mic ON or OFF. When the switch is in the TALK positon, the mixer’s sound level will
decrease around 14 dB (except the Mic channel) so that the microphone is more clearly heard over the music.
2. Mic level: Adjusts the microphone input level.
3. Cue level: Adjusts the headphone volume output level.
4. Cue Mix: Allows you to preview channel audio to your headphones. Listen here before bringing up channel faders or moving
the crossfader.
5. Channel eQ: Adjusts the HI, MID, and LOW frequency levels of the Phono or Line input. Range: -26 dB to 9 dB.
6. Channel fader: Controls the output level of the selected input (Phono or Line).
7. Crossfader: Controls the audio signal that is sent to the outputs. When the Crossfader is set to CH-1 (hard leſt), only channel
1 (Phono or /Line) will be sent to the outputs and when is set to CH-3 (hard right), only channel 3 (Phono or /Line) will be sent
to the outputs. If the Crossfader is centered, both channels will be sent to the outputs. Channel 2 is not affected by the
8. Mic input: Connect a standard unbalanced (1/4") microphone.
9. Headphone output: Insert your ¼” headphones plug here.
10. Pfl (Pre fade listen) butons: These butons allows you to set each channel in “CUE” mode. If you press CUE 1 for example,
(the red LED located to its will glow) the CH-1 signal will be sent to the headphones. Set the CUE MIX knob (4) to the CUE
positon (leſt). To prevent any potental ear damage, progressively adjust the cue level using the CUE LEVEL knob (3).
11. booth: This knob allows you to adjust the level of the signal to be sent to the DJ Booth monitor system. Please read (19).
12. Pan: Used to adjust the leſt-right balance of the master output.
13. Master level: Controls the overall output level.
14. gain: Adjusts the volume of the Phono or Line input.
15. level indicators: The dual LED’s indicators display the master output level.
16. Source input Selector Switch: Selects the input source assigned to each channel. Each channel can be assigned to only one
input source at a tme.
SMX.311 Descripton (rear Panel)
rear Panel (Figure 3.2)
Figure 3.2
17. Power Switch: Turns the mixer ON or OFF.
18. Power Connector: While the power is switched OFF, plug the power supply into the mixer first, and then plug it into the outlet.
19. booth output: Using a RCA cable, connect from the SMX.311 booth output to the DJ booth monitor system inputs.
20. balanced Master output: TRS balanced (1/4”) connectors are typically used to connect to a P.A. mixer or an amplifier for live
performances, or a recording console.
21. Unbalanced Master output: RCA connectors are typically used to connect to a home stereo, or to another mixer with RCA
inputs for practcing or team routnes.
22. line inputs: Unbalanced RCA jacks for connectng stereo audio from line level sources such as CD players, Hi-Fi VCRs, cassete
decks, DAT machines, laser discs, tuners, Mini Discs, even synthesizers or other mixing consoles. Plug mono audio sources into
both Leſt and Right inputs using a "Y" cable connector.
23. Phono inputs: Plug your turntables in here. When these connectors are used, your signal is fed directly to the high-quality
RIAA phono pre-amplifiers. Only connect turntables here. Line level sources will overload the sensitve phono pre-amps and
will cause distorton.
24. gnD: To eliminate electrical hum, connect the ground cable from your standard turntable ground post to the SMX.311 ground
terminal. Some turntables (like the Stanton STR8.150) do not require a grounding wire.
SMX.311 Descripton (front Panel)
front Panel (Figure 3.3)
Figure 3.3
25. Microphone input (Mic): Connect a standard unbalanced (1/4") microphone.
26. Headphone output: Standard 1/4” headphone output connector.
Problem / Symptom
Possible Cause / Soluton
no Sound.
Is the power ON? Based on your connectons, check that you
have properly set the Channel Input (Phone-Line). Make sure
that the Input Gain, Channel Fader, and Master output are
turned up. Make sure the channels are properly assigned to the
no Sound-Headphones.
Check the Cue Level, Cue Mix, and Cue buton setngs.
Mixer sounds noisy.
If a microphone is not being used, move the Mic switch to the
OFF positon and turn all its related controls down.
Microphone doesn’t work.
Is the Mic Level turned up? Does the microphone require
phantom power? This mixer does not provide microphone
phantom power.
Sound is distorted-line input.
Turn down the Input Gain Control. Check EQ setngs.
Sound is distorted-Phono input.
Only plug turntables into this input, do not plug in CD players or
other Line Level sources. Turn down the Input Gain Control and
check EQ setngs.
i hear hum.
Make sure you are using good shielded audio cables. Some less
expensive audio cables can be susceptble to hum and
interference. Keep your audio cables away from AC power cables
and AC transformers. Make sure the mixer is not mounted too
close to high power amplifiers or lightng equipment power
supplies or ballasts. Make sure your turntables are properly
grounded to the back of the mixer if they include a grounding
i hear feedback.
If you are using a microphone, make sure that you are not too
close to the speakers or headphones. If you hear feedback on
the Phono Input, then the turntable may be mounted to close
to the speakers and/or subwoofer. Also, make sure the turntable
base is placed on a surface that does not vibrate or resonate
easily when the speakers are turned up loudly.
registraton Card
Thank you for choosing Stanton!
Your satsfacton is extremely important to us. We proudly stand behind the quality of our work and appreciate that you put your trust in us.
Registering your product will help us guarantee that you are kept up to date on our latest advances.
Warranty Service in the United States:
Please contact Stanton Tech Support BEFORE sending your product. In some cases, our Tech Support team can resolve your problem immediately,
avoiding down tme due to shipping delays. However, if Tech Support determines that a repair is needed; please call us at +1 (954) 949-9600 to
obtain a Return Authorizaton Number (RA#) PRIOR to shipping your product to us.
Warranty Service outside the United States:
To initate a warranty repair, please contact the authorized Stanton dealer from whom you purchased your product, and follow the dealer’s return
Save your shipping boxes and all packaging materials!
For the fastest and safest product return to Stanton, please use the original shipping carton and packaging materials. Stanton cannot be responsible
for any damages incurred during the shipping process due to poor or inadequate packing. Please remember to insure your shipment!
Stanton Warranty
Stanton Warranty
Through Stanton's authorized dealers around the World, Stanton, or one of Stanton's authorized distributors outside the U.S., will, without charge,
repair or replace, at the sole discreton of the entty responsible for making the repair or providing the replacement, any Stanton merchandise
proved defectve in material or workmanship for a period of one (1) year following the date of original purchase. Exceptons to this warranty are
as noted below:
The warranty for mechanical parts which are subject to wear and tear are limited to either the earlier of thirty (30) days following the date of
original purchase or for 10,000 cycles for switches.
Stanton will warrant all replacement parts and repairs for ninety (90) days from the date of original shipment. Repairs made necessary by reason
of misuse, alteraton, normal wear, or accident are not covered under this warranty.
Authorized Stanton dealers are only authorized to sell and distribute merchandise within a specific country. All goods requiring warranty repair
or replacement must be returned (freight prepaid if not hand-delivered) to the authorized Stanton dealer from whom the merchandise was
purchased and in the same country where the merchandise was purchased. For purposes of purchases made via the Internet, the merchandise
must be returned to the authorized Stanton dealer in the country where the authorized Stanton dealer which sold the merchandise to purchaser
is located and not the authorized Stanton dealer in the country where the purchaser is located or the country in which the merchandise was
received. Any returns to a non-authorized dealer or to an authorized Stanton dealer not in the same country as the merchandise was intended
to be sold or as set forth above will void this warranty.
To initate a warranty repair, you must contact the authorized Stanton dealer from whom you purchased the merchandise, and follow such
authorized Stanton dealer's return policy.
Stanton assumes no risk and shall be subject to no liability for damages or loss resultng from the specific use or applicaton made of the
merchandise. Stanton's liability for any claim, whether based on breach of contract, negligence, infringement of any rights of any party, or product
liability, and relatng to the merchandise shall not exceed the price received by Stanton from your purchase of such merchandise. In no event will
Stanton be liable for any special, incidental or consequental damages (including loss of use, loss of profit and claims of third partes) however
caused, whether by the negligence of Stanton or otherwise. To the extent permited by law and except as otherwise provided above, Stanton
disclaims any express or implied warrantes of merchantability or fitness for a partcular purpose.
The above warranty provides you with specific legal rights. You may also have additonal rights, which are subject to variaton from state to state
and country to country.
If there is a dispute regarding the warranty of merchandise that does not fall under the warranty conditons stated above, please include a writen
explanaton with the merchandise when returned pursuant to the terms and conditons set forth herein.
input / output impedance & sensitvity:
47k ohm /-14 dBV +/-0.1 dB (200mV)
47k ohm /-50 dBV +/-0.1 dB (3.16mV)
10k ohm /-54 dBV +/-0.1 dB (2mV)
1k ohm /0 dB (1V) +/-2 dB
Master Bal (Load=600 ohm)
600 ohm /+4 dBm (1.23V) +/-2 dB
33 ohm / 0 dBV (1V) +/- 2 dB
Within 3 dB
Phones (Load=32 ohm)
Channel balance:
frequency response: (Master output, eQ flat)
20-20 kHz +/- 2 dB
20-20 kHz +2/-3 dB (RIAA)
S/n rato: (Maximum gain, eQ flat, W/20 kHz lPf, a-weighted)
Less than -87 dBV
Less than -70 dBV
Less than -60 dBV
THD + n: (Master 0 dbV output, Maximum gain, W/20 kHz lPf)
Less than 0.02% 20-20 kHz
Less than 0.15% at 1 kHz (A-weighted)
Less than 0.15% at 1 kHz (A-weighted)
Note: 0 dBV=1V rms
More than 65 dB at 1 kHz between L and R.
More than 70 dB at 1 kHz between Channels.
Channel eQ:
9 +/- 2 dB at 13 kHz
-15 +/- 3 dB at 13 kHz
9 +/- 2 dB at 1 kHz
below -23 dB at 1 kHz
9 +/- 2 dB at 70 Hz
below -23 dB at 70 Hz
Power Source:
Dimensions (H x W x D):
100 mm x 254 mm x 308 mm
3.1 kg (w/o power transformer)
Copyright © 2009 Stanton Magnetcs, Inc.
SMX.311 and STR8.150, are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Stanton Group.
All other trademarks are property of their respectve owners, who are in no way affiliated with Stanton DJ or
SC System products. All informaton included in the User Manual is subject to change without notce.
+1 (954) 949-9600
LITS00058 11/17/2009
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